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Ressie Manring 14y, 34d ago

May 2011 possibly be superb to get family and friends.

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Donald Jenkins 14y, 106d ago

You definitely have another vote for Safari Extension. I use a desktop client for my blog posts—as you know!—but being able to use Markdown across the board in Safari would be like a dream come true.

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btadmin 14y, 106d ago

Actually got about halfway done with it last week. It won't have quite all of the features that the WP plugin does, mostly because I can't make Ajax calls to a local PHP file to render Markdown Extra, run Markdownify, etc. It will have all of the auto-pairing, reference auto-completion, tab override, auto continue lists and indentation support. I think it'll still be mighty handy :).

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Christina Warren 14y, 129d ago

I probably can't convince Mashable to install this (we have to have a very tight set of plugins and controls, but if this does become a Safari extension -- the few times I do have to write sans your bundle -- wow.

Also -- unrelated but I'll ask anyway -- what do you think of Scrivener 2.0?

Also -- today is my birthday, which makes this release extra-nice!

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ttscoff 14y, 129d ago

Yeah, it's definitely not ready for Mashable-level deployment yet. When it is, I'll help you argue the case :). Definitely thinking a Safari Extension is in the works, so yeah, moot point, hopefully.

I love Scrivener 2.0 so far. I haven't had a chance to really stress test all of the new features, but the fact that I can set up a Dropbox/SimpleNote workflow and sync edits from my iPad and other computers is enough to make the upgrade price worthwhile, IMO.

Happy Birthday! You're welcome :).

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