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kidpixo 11y, 325d ago

Hi Brett,

hi was following Dash from the beginning (when they had a nice cat as icon).

I'm a fan of your website and podcast: I really appreciate your work!

I wrote some python code to generate docset folowing from a bunch of html files > and here

I don't know if it could be adapted to import the snippet, all the data are essentially small sqlite db pointing to the real html displayed by Dash.


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ttscoff 11y, 325d ago

Hey, that's awesome, thanks for the links!

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kidpixo 11y, 325d ago

You're welcome!

I'm also a prod user of QuickSilver: you can use QS to search through Dash documentation as well via the custom url scheme of dash://find/***

I was thinking how to combine Dash approach to nvalt, in a way they share something...

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ches 11y, 317d ago

Using the Services Menu plugin is a bit more straightforward way to go with QuickSilver. Once it indexes the Dash services, invoke QS, hit dot, type your query including keyword if you wish, tab and start typing "Dash". Nicely shows the app icon too :-)

The URL scheme is great to know too though, I've used it to very quickly map keys in text editors to look up the word under the cursor, using filetype as a keyword -- usually one or two lines of config instead of installing a more complicated plugin.

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Mikael K. 11y, 326d ago

I practically have Dash open all day. The Alfred workflow for Dash is extremely fast and wonderful, I also love the "Look Up in Dash" service Dash installs automatically.

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saul rosenbaum 11y, 328d ago

Nice - I'm currently infatuated with Alfred Dev Doctor - which is a similar concept, bith very handy -

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avivkiss 11y, 328d ago

Wow. Thanks for the tip. This is going to be a life-changer.

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idStar 11y, 328d ago

I got turned on to this nifty app a year ago and am loving Dash. Support the author and unlock the full version with in app purchase. As a developer, the cost is peanuts given the value to your time it adds.

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