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EmptyJay 9y, 26d ago

Thanks for the list. I'm downloading a few of them right now.

Do you/have you used any grocery list manager apps? I currently use GroceryIQ, which is getting a bit long in the tooth. None of the current alternatives that I've tried really fill the need. Mostly, the big thing that seems to be missing is a favorite or frequent purchases list of items. Something that I can browse through and pick selected items to add to the current "to buy" list.


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Chris Gottlieb 9y, 24d ago

I use AnyList, which syncs really well on a shared list. It has a favourites list you can just pick and choose from. Best thing is when I head to the supermarket, knowing that the list we haven't written yet will be on my phone when I get there as my wife writes it from bed.

I also use it as a packing checklist - have created a standard list for "getting out of the door with kids"; "overseas trips" and "weekend trips" - has saved us forgetting vital teddy bears a few times...

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ttscoff 9y, 26d ago

Paprika actually does that quite well. My wife and I use it for meal planning and synced grocery lists, and previous list items can be viewed and unchecked to add back to the list. It auto-sorts by aisle and can even tell you what recipe a given item was for.

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EmptyJay 9y, 26d ago

I knew Paprika (which I've used for a while) had grocery list features, but I thought they were quite closely tied to the recipes. I'll take another look at it. Thanks!

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