Maybe it's just me, but it seems autocorrect is disabled in the app. I never got why apps would do that: there's a global setting to turn it off, so I'd use that if I didn't like it. Having no autocorrect means I can't really use the app, since I rely so heavily on it. :(
Well, crap. I don't exactly *need* another text editor, but it looks pretty slick.
Does the custom keyboard mess with your typing, or are the keys placed the same as the stock iOS keyboard? (Also, importantly: are you a 10 finger iPad typist?)
Yup on iPad3 the entire interface lag a bit. It also doesn't support Chinese keyboard.
But the keyboard is very nice: the resizing and transparency makes the small writing area much less claustrophobic, and the design makes the stock keyboard, even with added rolls feel very 'classic'.