a little OT … does anyone know if/where the author of http://www.hawkwings.net is working nowadays ?
I think you have the wrong version number for switching to V3. I'm on Yosemite, which is 10.10.5 and still uses V2.
So the script should read:
considering numeric strings
if "10.11" <= os_version then set mail_version to "V3"
end considering
Thanks for posting this. I had the same issue when running this on 10.10.5. Updated the script to consider 10.11 and voila, the script ran successfully.
It was written logically backwards, but is correct. If the os_version is greater than 10.10, then use V3 instead of V2. That said, I don't really see the value of writing this in AppleScript when you could write it in bash in about 4 lines. But hey, whatever works.
It wasn't correct as written. My OS is 10.10.5, which is still Yosemite and still V2, but the script selected V3 because 10.10.5 > 10.10. The comparison has to be done against 10.11
Fair enough -- I concede. Didn't realize sw_vers reported minor versions. I supposed you just cut the first two fields... but checking for < 10.11 makes more sense. :-)
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