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Arne Hulstein 9y, 101d ago

I put this in a script and ran it from script editor to get this error:

error "AppleEvent timed out." number -1712

Any thoughts?

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jctumblr 9y, 119d ago

Not sure why on 10.9.5, Mail Version 7.3, I get this every time I run the script: “Mail index before: 73M, Mail index after: 73M, Enjoy the new speed!” Ideas?

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ttscoff 9y, 119d ago

Just means it's already as slim as it can be. Run it again in a year :).

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kOoLiNuS 9y, 131d ago

a little OT … does anyone know if/where the author of is working nowadays ?

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Paul Galow 9y, 133d ago

Great tip! Really helpful. I've created a bash version in case anyone is interested:

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Dimitris 9y, 108d ago

Just used it (remotely). Went from 23 down to 21M in seconds. Not too bad! Thanks!

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modernscientist 9y, 144d ago

I think you have the wrong version number for switching to V3. I'm on Yosemite, which is 10.10.5 and still uses V2.

So the script should read:

considering numeric strings
if "10.11" <= os_version then set mail_version to "V3"
end considering

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tc2290 9y, 137d ago

Thanks for posting this. I had the same issue when running this on 10.10.5. Updated the script to consider 10.11 and voila, the script ran successfully.

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Daniel Whicker 9y, 144d ago

It was written logically backwards, but is correct. If the os_version is greater than 10.10, then use V3 instead of V2. That said, I don't really see the value of writing this in AppleScript when you could write it in bash in about 4 lines. But hey, whatever works.

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modernscientist 9y, 144d ago

It wasn't correct as written. My OS is 10.10.5, which is still Yosemite and still V2, but the script selected V3 because 10.10.5 > 10.10. The comparison has to be done against 10.11

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Daniel Whicker 9y, 144d ago

Fair enough -- I concede. Didn't realize sw_vers reported minor versions. I supposed you just cut the first two fields... but checking for < 10.11 makes more sense. :-)

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henrybowman_az 9y, 92d ago

It would be nice if you could correct the actual article, since many people are not likely to see the corrections in the comments.

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ttscoff 9y, 144d ago

You'd be surprised how many people use Apple Mail and have no idea how to run a shell script.

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