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Andreas Schamanek 9y, 171d ago

Hm. Using Firefox 41, the 1st version allowed me to click links but gave no results. The updated version immediately loads an empty page and prints "true" :-/

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ttscoff 9y, 171d ago

ok, I found the issue. A new version will be up in about 15 minutes. Fixes the bookmarklet format for Firefox, and tweaks a few niggling issues in the Similarity script itself.

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Andreas Schamanek 9y, 171d ago

Great! Now it works. Thanks a lot!

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ttscoff 9y, 171d ago

you're right. I don't know much about differences in the way Firefox handles bookmarklets in the new format. Even loading the revised script directly doesn't seem to work on FF anymore. I'll have to look into it.

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Paul Wirth 9y, 172d ago

This is rad. Thanks!

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