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Mark Knight 12y, 8d ago

I appreciate this might be completely unrealistic, but: What if, when I change the name of a note to which I had Wiki-linked in several other notes, NVAlt could change those wiki-links on my behalf, so that my links don’t die with the change?

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ttscoff 12y, 8d ago

First, please put feature requests on GitHub, not here. Second, you can add it, but it is highly unlikely it would ever happen. We're not talking about a database, we're talking about text files. We can talk further on GitHub if you want to.

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Mark Knight 12y, 6d ago

Fair enough. Thanks for responding…

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Grig 12y, 10d ago

One tiny thing I've noticed - I used to use option-space (in the original NV) as my bring-to-front keystroke, the 2.2b build doesn't notice the key combo. I set it to control-option-space instead. It would be cool to have it like it was - muscle memory being what it is and all. Cheers!

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Jean 12y, 10d ago

Option-space is currently used to create a non breaking space in quite all standard text applications on OS X.

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Grig 12y, 10d ago

I am so glad I found this!

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Null 12y, 31d ago

Hey, is it possible to hide the notes list and move it to the right side?

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Jean 12y, 45d ago

I'd love to get a tag selection. For instance typing “#someTag” in the upper search field should display only the “someTag” tagged files. Definitely like very much this application.

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Carsten 12y, 53d ago

After upgrading, I get the Error that some Data can't be unserialized. Its the third time now, that I have to import my files again.

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Kim Korte 12y, 57d ago

Great additions, love it! Only thing missing for me is the ability to hide the notes list and still be able to jump to other notes via the search bar. I can pull the divider up until the list is gone but if I hit cmd + L and search for another note it pops back open.
I can see why this makes sense for most cases but I happen to have some private notes and do not want them to show up in the list if I quickly jot down something in a presentation.
Maybe an easier alternative would be the option to disable node content preview in the list.
Any chance one of these make it into the next update?

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Francesco Kirchhoff 12y, 61d ago

When I quickly scroll down (with the trackpad - does not happen with the keyboard) in a note that is longer than what can be displayed in the viewing area, it does not display anything at all anymore in the viewing area - even after scrolling back up. Contents are still there, if I switch notes it's all back. (OS X 10.8.2, nvALT 2.2 beta 101)

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ttscoff 12y, 61d ago

Bug reports go here.

I have no idea how Disqus handles HTML, so that might be an ugly link. I want Markdown for Disqus.

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ttscoff 12y, 61d ago

Hey, it works. Too bad [this doesn't](

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Dash 12y, 65d ago
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ttscoff 12y, 65d ago

Thanks, they'll be in the next update!

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Dash 12y, 65d ago

Retina icon please!

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ttscoff 12y, 65d ago

You make it, I'll add it :). It's not my design and I lack the original files, so I'll have to look up the author.

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