Thanks Brett for your amazing, impressing and valuable work.
Bunch has been a very useful tool for me and especially in combination with Alfred. The Script filter from Jay Miller is really nice but anyway, I ended up creating my own and it was really simple by means of Bunch's CLI. Here is a simple one-liner that populates the script filter (with a JSON formatted string).
echo '{"items": ['$(bunch -l | sed -E "s|^(.*)|{\"title\": \"\1\",\"arg\": \"\1\", \"quicklookurl\": \"$bunchFolder/\1.bunch\"}, |g")']}'
There are no other dependencies, besides the variable $bunchFolder which I prefer to have access to in more than on workflow, but may easily be set with bunch --show-config-KEY dir | cut -d ':' -f 2
(because for some reason Bunch CLI responds with [Current directory]/file:[The Bunch folder]. Brett, is this a bug or meant to be that way?) Also, I may note that I changed the configuration somewhat to quicklook files with the .bunch extension as text files. This makes i really fast to list, find and preview my bunches and then run, reveal or edit the chosen one.
(FWIW, as a complete side effect I was able to fix a very annoying problem that Finder(?!) was not able to reveal files, but sometimes just returned the home folder. In a final action of despair I jus deleted /Users/pdl/Library/Preferences/
– which solved the problem I gave me much faster workflows.)
Per-Daniel "P-D" Liljegren