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Lauri Ranta 12y, 174d ago

I've just used something like convert -flatten -quality 95 file.png file.jpg. (Without -flatten the background color would be black.)

Why do you need the -background white or +matte options?

+matte makes this image solid red: convert -size 200x200 'xc:rgba(255,0,0,0.5)' square.png. According to the documentation, it's the same as -alpha off, which turns off the use of alpha channel data. But doesn't -mosaic remove transparency?

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Brett 12y, 174d ago

In images that had varying levels of transparency, such as gradated drop shadows, I had horrible results until I got to the command above.

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Lauri Ranta 12y, 174d ago

I don't see any difference as long as -flatten (or -mosaic) is before the other options.

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