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Jean 11y, 347d ago

Unfixed problem with accented characters in the generated html file: "ô" becomes "o\u0302" and "é" becomes "e\\u0301". Correction is easy in BBEdit or other text editor but tedious.

Anyway nvAlt needs a filtering fonction based on tags: type “#anytag” in the search field to select only this “anytag” tagged texts.

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CostasCo 12y, 25d ago

Dear Brett, any idea why notes with a name starting with # (playing with implementing semantic notes referred by you) doesn't work?

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Jean 12y, 25d ago

Still an encoding glitch with accented characters: for ex. in the html file the french word “société” becomes “socie\u0301te\u0301”. One can make a search and replace in a text editor to get a clean  page but it is not very convenient :)

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