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Joe Meenen 12y, 74d ago

I really do like the new design. Well done.

I plan to move my blog from Wordpress to Middleman and would be interested in how you converted the wp articles to markdown.

And as I'm already here typing: Thanks for marked and a great blog.


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Carsten 12y, 74d ago

Awesome! I love your new design. The Font, the design, everything. Very well done. As everything you do :-)

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Shawn Hansen 12y, 77d ago

Curious if you are are using octopress, and if not, did you research using it? If you did research octopress and decided not to use it, what made you decide not to use it?

I'm starting a jekyll blog and am undecided on octopress. Others opinions/research would be helpful.

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Brett Terpstra 12y, 77d ago

I started with Octopress, but ended up completely rebuilding the Rakefile and theme layout, so it's definitely not Octopress anymore. I'd call it a custom Jekyll install.

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Peter 12y, 78d ago

Brilliant !

It appears you've converted and imported all your old WP posts. I'm curious to know how long it takes to regenerate the site, sinc Jekyll (still) can't do incremental builds AFAIK.
A related article you may find interesting :

An Python alternative which does incremental builds you may find interesting : Perhaps for next year ?

Should you get disappointed with Disqus, this might be an alternative : (demo on the page) Own your comments !

Congrats on the great redesign and a healthy New Year !

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Brett Terpstra 12y, 77d ago

Thanks a ton for the links. I would definitely like to "own my comments" so I'll research that further. Acrylamid looks intriguing, but it will be a while before I'm comfortable enough with Python to run a site on it :).

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Michael 12y, 78d ago

Clean look and nice redesign all in all. However, I find it really hard now to read text as it is simply too big (for me).

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Brett Terpstra 12y, 77d ago


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Michael 12y, 77d ago

I know, I know...

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nerddotis 12y, 78d ago

Very clean look. I might have to come out of the RSS cave more often.

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mdszy 12y, 78d ago

Dang! The new site looks amazing! Very good job! I will say though that the RSS feed was just a little bit messed up, just some old articles being marked as unread. But other than that, all is working perfect. Great work and thanks for the amazing site!

Great job

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