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P 10y, 48d ago

lets talk andoid!

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embamba 10y, 49d ago

Would it be sacrilege to ask what people use and like for Android nvALT companions? I use Draft and Minutes Pro, each of which has its pros and cons. I'd like to find something that really nails it for me. But I haven't.

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Rich Lin 10y, 45d ago

a good Android/NVAlt solution for me was to use the Android Simplenote app and then turning on Simplenote sync within NVAlt.

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embamba 10y, 45d ago

Thanks, Rich. I used to use Simplenote. But I stopped, because I preferred a Dropbox based approach and the overall feature set of what I was using on Android at the time gave me things Simplenote wasn't. Looks like they've updated nicely and that they're still going strong. I'd consider switching back, but aside from the Dropbox functionality, I have concerns about Simplenote's limited security/privacy. Not that I'm certain I'm any better protected with Dropbox.

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David Hroncheck 10y, 49d ago

1Writer really is an excellent iOS nvALT companion. It's polished, well maintained, quick and clean. Different themes and actions make for nice customisations. You can't go wrong with it.

I mentioned my nvALT-iOS solution in a previous comment, Editorial and Drafts. You do have to build some actions/workflows to bring nvALT into the mix, but the results are powerful. Everything I write and clip on iOS goes into Drafts. If it's a note or anything I'll want on my Mac, two taps and it's in my nvALT folder, including notes imported from Reminders which I dictate to using Siri. Editorial's highlighted search is fast and, along with its deep toolset, is a perfect match with Drafts.

Cheers, Brett, for your apps which I use constantly!

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Tantramar Interactive Inc. 10y, 50d ago

Purchased, based on Brett’s recommendation. Love it. (Had been using Notesy, but its lack of an iPhone 6 Plus update has been off-putting. Had my eye out for a replacement for a while now.) Wish it supported user-loaded fonts, but its built-in selection is solid. Touch ID support is a nice bonus, Markdown previews are easy to switch to and from, and Actions keep things fluid for those of us using OmniFocus, Drafts, Evernote, etc.

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Dan Perdue 10y, 51d ago

I've been using 1Writer for a while and have always wondered why it didn't get more love. It's regularly updated and improved and has the right balance of power and usability. Glad to have my choice reaffirmed by someone who's opinion that I trust and value. I find it the perfect companion for nvALT style notes.

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Pär Thernström 10y, 51d ago

Great tip! The inline markdown preview is awesome. Might be the app that actually replaces SimpleNote (the app, not the service).

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Juha Ranta 10y, 51d ago

I have lots of "nvALT notes" in a Dropbox folder. I've been using Notesy to access the notes on iOS. It's been quite good and it handled some of my essential basics better than most of the options. It searched both from title and the body, it worked offline (in airplanes, foreign countries, hiking, etc). Many other editors sucked on this when I tried them. However, it seems that Notesy is not very actively developed anymore, and there are issues I would have like different.

I've also tried to learn to use Drafts. I see how useful it can be. I don't want my emails, forum posts and so on mixed in my nvALT notes folder which serves a different folder. Something like Drafts is a better place for that type of notes. It has also a lot better configuration and editing options than Notesy. But Drafts doesn't have a Mac companion and it doesn't sync with Dropbox. I can't use it as my nvALT companion.

Most of all, I don't want to have two different "small scale" iOS editors with entirely different interface and use to handle these two different "small case" writing and editing I actually do on iOS devices. I also have Editorial and Byword, and I they're great too, but I've noticed I don't actually do any longer writing on iOS devices, and at the same time those programs are somewhat clumsy for quick note taking and draft writing that I actually do on iOS devices.

I remember I looked at this 1Writer when it was new. I remember I was interested in it at the time, but it didn't seem complete enough. I now looked at it again. After a short testing, I think I'll try to switch from both Drafts and Notesy to 1Writer. It seems to fulfill my personal needs better than any alternative I've tried.

I added a "Drafts" folder in my Dropbox for my draft-type messages (the type I'd put in Drafts) and "Notes" folder for my nvALT notes. I set the "Drafts" folder as my default folder, so that the notes that I add with the "+" button go directly there. I'll use that for what I earlier used Drafts for. Then I go to the "Notes" folder for my nvALT notes. I have the same editing space and interface for these two different types of notes.

Also, one thing I missed from Simplenote was that the Markdown notes showed either in plain text or rendered. Most of the notes I have are of the kind that I'd like to see directly rendered, since I use them as a reference. (BTW, if you include http image links in Notesy or 1Writer, they both show the image!) Notesy opened by default to the edit or plain text mode, when I usually wanted the rendered mode. 1Writer can open by default to "edit mode", "preview mode" or "last selected mode". I'll try the "last selected mode" thing, if that doesn't work for me, I'll switch to "preview mode".

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Lee Joramo 10y, 51d ago

Just giving 1Write a try based on your recommendation. So far very nice. I have been still using SimpleNote due to the syncing of tags, but SimpleNote has never properly supported Markdown. 1Write does supports hashtags within the text, perhaps it is time to give up on tags as metadata? I could write a script to copy hashtags to metadata tags.

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Go Little 10y, 49d ago

I am wondering how you sync now. Do you use both dropbox syncing (for 1writer) and simplenote syncing for everything else?

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Grant Hodgeon 10y, 51d ago

Is this the best option for someone stuck with Drafts not being able to sync documents to a mac?

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David Hroncheck 10y, 51d ago

I've bought several apps from Brett's list but settled on a combo of Drafts and Editorial. The latter syncs with my nvALT Dropbox folder and has fast, highlighted search. Actions and workflows between Drafts and Editorial make for my perfect combo.

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