Nice, but... DevonThink button doesn't work properly (at least for me). It calls up the DT panel well enough, but nothing works after that: page doesn't get clipped, and the Reader version of the page becomes impossible to dismiss...
Thanks and good luck! If you're not able to get the HUD to work, a less ambitious workaround would be to get this script to work with the Reader version of the page (if you invoke it now it saves the regular page):
tell application "Safari" try if not (exists document 1) then error "No document is open."
set this_url to the URL of document 1 set this_source to the source of document 1 set this_title to the name of window 1
tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2" create record with {name:this_title, type:html, URL:this_url, source:this_source} end tell
on error error_message number error_number if error_number is not -128 then display alert "Safari" message error_message as warning end try
The download links all now point to 1.5.2, which has a few typography changes I was working on, as well as improved DEVONthink support. Two major problems: You can't save the page HTML with the HTML button, and you can't use the spacebar in the notes field (Reader is trapping it). I'll work on both, but I figured I'd get the 90%-done version up.
It's because it's using Markdown, but doesn't tell you that (need to fix that). A block of indented lines are interpreted as code. If you indent the whole block by 5 spaces or one tab, it turns it into an expanding code block.
Not sure I can make a system call to execute osascript or run AppleScript at all. However, I've fixed everything in the DEVONthink bookmarklet except for the HTML save. Still tinkering with that, but it may have to wait. I'll get the working version with the rest of them out tonight.