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unverified 4y, 63d ago

If you are comfortable with vim:

set -o vi

will do the trick

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David Becerra 12y, 233d ago

Thanks, Brett. This worked great!

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Suan 13y, 127d ago

Thanks a lot for this! Its the only thing I've found that works while using vim in Lion with iterm2. (I didn't have to change the option keys to use "+Esc", leaving them as "normal" worked fine)

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mt 13y, 221d ago

Scott's screenshot worked for me. Brett's version didn't.

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ttscoff 13y, 221d ago

Interesting. Not sure what's odd about my setup.

Did you have to edit your .inputrc as well, or does it work without that?

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Ian 12y, 329d ago

I didn't need the .inputrc step, but I did need to change my profile screen as well to set 'left option/right option act as +Esc' on the profile's key tab, as well as Scott's screenshot (which involved mapping Esc sequences to shortcuts).

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Chris 13y, 218d ago

Both versions worked for me, so you may not be the "odd" one, Brett. :)

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Scott Lee 13y, 221d ago

I too had the same request. For the life of me I cannot remember how I found the solution. But here's a screenshot of my iTerm key settings ( I accomplished the same thing by sending Escape+F and Escape+B.

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Dan 12y, 300d ago

This worked for me, too.

It's odd that option-arrow doesn't work by default.

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