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Yevgeny Smirnov 12y, 133d ago

I like nvALT a lot.

One issue I came across in 2.2 beta (didn't check if it's the same in 2.1) is that notes updated in nvALT show up multiple times in native SimpleNote client.

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Alan W. Smith 12y, 169d ago

Would you mind proving an update on where y'all are with the beta? I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering how close we are to seeing 2.2 progress from beta to production. I'm trying to do my best to be patient, but I feel like a 4 year old when Christmas is coming. (Only I don't know if Christmas is going to be this month or sometime next year.)

Thanks, and thanks to you and David for all your work to make a fantastic product.

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Sam 12y, 191d ago

Thanks for this great app. I would like to do away with the simplenote service and just use dropbox syncing. The one thing holding me back is tags. I could probably do without them with nvalt, but they are key to how I quickly access my notes on a phone. If anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear them. (Now using android but will be switching to iOS.)


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elasticthreads 12y, 208d ago

There&#8217s no way for you to rename a file outside of nvALT, and have nvALT know the difference between a rename of an existing file and a combination of deleting the original and creation of a new file with the new name.

Is that what&#8217s happening right now? Instead of a renamed file, you get the original deleted and a new note created?

In general, nvALT&#8217s Simplenote sync is not designed to play nice with the Finder. And its hard to do. I can&#8217t recommend enough to users that they switch away from Simplenote sync and use Dropbox instead (which is designed to play nice with the filesystem and Finder). I&#8217ll say this right now:

<li>Brett and I work on this in our free time</li>
<li>Neither of us uses Simplenote for iOS as our main Notes app</li>
<li>Neither of us is, as a coder, on par with the engineers at Dropbox or Simplenote</li>
<li>Sync is a hard coding problem. Simplenote&#8217s API is not easy. And neither of us got into this fork to tinker with synching mechanisms and apis.</li>
<li>Dropbox takes the coding work out of Brett&#8217s and my hands. Takes it out of nvALT, and puts it where it belongs, in the filesystem.</li>
<li>There are a TON of excellent, Dropbox-syncing, iOS alternatives to Simplenote. Many of them are free as well (I use PlainText myself). Those that aren&#8217t free are generally under $5.</li>
<li>But: we both recognize there are a TON of simplenote users, who love nvALT&#8217s simplenote sync. We don&#8217t want to alienate any of them/you. We&#8217ll do our best.</li>
<li>And finally: Simplenote has a paid in-app purchase to get you Dropbox sync. Considering nvALT is free, and Simplenote the app is free, and Dropbox is free (at least for your notes needs) it might be worth considering this one purchase in your notes ecosystem...</li>

I&#8217ll let you make up your own mind.

I did not mean to jump all over this comment. Please don&#8217t take it personally. In my ideal world Simplenote recognized that it is an app, not a sync service, and switched fully over to Dropbox (making that free). Personally, I don&#8217t understand why Simplenote makes syncing on its own servers (which cost it $$) away for free, but charges users to sync thru Dropbox (which costs Simplenote nothing).

Supporting Simplenote sync in nvALT is a serious drag.

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Michael Lynton 12y, 208d ago

I just moved from Simplenote to Notesy and Dropbox syncing. It's the best!!

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Sven 12y, 208d ago

Sorry, guys, my post was never intended to stress you! I really appreciate your effort you spend for developing this further! And I really love nvALT - just switched back from Evernote and feel much more productive now. Spend half of my work day in nvALT, most used app now. Guys, take it as a sort of bug reporting not knowing if this is intended or unknown behaviour. I already considered to switch to DB sync, but on my Android companions there is not that much choice of good DB editors.

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Brett 12y, 208d ago

Like David said at the end of the comment, this is in no way a defensive response to your post. We hear Simplenote issues almost daily and I think it all just came out at once. Not stressed by your post in particular :).

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Sven 12y, 208d ago

I configured nvALT to store indívidual text files. When renaming a file outside nvALT by a script it seems the file will not be synced properly to Simplenote. After changing the content by adding a space or something (even outside nvALT with a text editor) the sync is done properly. Are file name changes not recognized to trigger a sync? Is there a way to force the sync for a renamed file?


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Sven 12y, 210d ago

It would be great to implement something like dragging a single note from nvALT to the desktop or to other apps like, or any editor to quickly open them, tag them etc. This should result in the appropriate file operation similar to comparabe Finder operation.


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Daniel 12y, 217d ago

I'm not good at internetting and stuff, so forgive me if this is a dumb question, but are there plans to make this a digitally signed app so that we don't have to reduce our security level in Mountain Lion?
(See/hear and Siracuzza's comments on the "mid" and "high" level security settings for allowing apps to run on 10.8 being good protection from evil ne'er-do-wells..)
I have no asbestos clothing, so please don't filet mignon me for my gooda English.

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elasticthreads 12y, 216d ago

You can keep the security settings at default (medium, signed apps) level and still use nvALT. Just do this the first time you run it on 10.8:
- right click (or control-clock) the app and select "Open".

Using the contextual menu's "Open" or "Open With..." commands bypasses the need for a properly signed app.

nvALT will still get signed, but, in the meantime, so you don't have to compromise your security levels (outside of trusting Brett and I), that's the way.

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Brett 12y, 217d ago

Yes, the next release will be code signed.

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Sven 12y, 222d ago

Hi Brett, a little issue with auto-expansion of tags: in case a tag starts with a hash or at sign (or probably any other non-character) auto-expansion or suggestion of tags does not work reliably. Observed for the "inline" tag editing (for one particular note) as well as for bulk tag editing.


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Sven 12y, 222d ago

It would be great if nvALT could handle links to emails in Dragging an email into the nvALT notes field should insert the URL of the email message. Inserting an email URL like message:// should be recognized as link so clicking opens the email.

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Sven 12y, 221d ago

In addition, this topic is discussed here:

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0KB 12y, 243d ago

WIll you guys support auto-pair for other characters like * and ` and ~~text~~ for strikethrough?

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Panrubius 12y, 244d ago

Hi there,

First off, absolutely great application that I use all day everyday; two thumbs up!

I am having one minor problem with version 2.2 however, every time I use the Paste As New Note option nvALT quits after about three seconds of thinking about whether it wants to complete my request.

When I open the application again the Paste As New Note has performed as expected with no problems, the only problem being that the application quits each time.

Again, not a major problem and certainly not a public flogging offence but something I wouldn't mind being fixed :-)

I'm on OS X 10.7, MacBook Pro and a beanbag laptop tray.


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Brett 12y, 244d ago

This has been fixed in the github source, a new release with said fix should be ready soon.

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Panrubius 12y, 243d ago

Excellent, thanks for getting back to me!

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tombarys 12y, 257d ago

Dear Brett, nvAlt2.2b is great. I tried to use it as simple personal-wiki… and I mean it is nearly there.. but something is missing.

After some fiddling around I found there are just three simple (?) improvements which could make the nvAlt much more powerful and usable as wiki-engine. All are about improving the inter-note linking abilities:

<li>it would be great if [[ note ]] syntax (optionally) created clickable HTML links in preview window too;</li>
<li>it would be great if we could use [[note | alias]] to create contextually more sensitive link names; </li>
<li>and finally adding "back" and "forward" buttons somewhere (or just keyboard commands) to enable going back and forward through "click-history" could rocket nvAlt into fully interactive wiki-like system!
Thank you for you effort!
Best wishes

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M. Melnick 12y, 280d ago

Excited for 2.2! This app has already changed the way I work. Will 2.2 final have a built in hook for using your Marked app? It would be nice to hold control and have preview open in Marked (if you have it).

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Jack Brannen 12y, 289d ago

Does anybody else get lots of “Changes could not be uploaded” errors when quitting? I get them pretty regularly. (Is there a Github page for nvALT?)

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Brett 12y, 289d ago

And… busted for not reading the release notes. Issues link is in there.

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Jack Brannen 12y, 289d ago

Haha, awwww… I’m so sorry, Brett! That’s very bad form on my part. My apologies. Thanks for graciously redirecting me.

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Sven 12y, 293d ago

It seems that drag&drop of messages and of Evernote notes does not work. For Evernote the headline of the note, but not the notes link is inserted. For Mail, drag&drop does not work at all. I would expect to get a link to the dragged mail message in NValt.
I'm on Lion, tried this with NValt 2.1 and 2.2beta.
Is this intended behaviour or am I doing something wrong?
Drag&drop from the sources mentioned above works perfectly for Things, Omnifocus etc.

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joe 12y, 314d ago

all waiting for 2.2 final ;) ...thanks for your magic work ...this app is amazing !!!

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Björn Lindström 12y, 326d ago

I'm running it now and it is excellent. I'm especially happy that Command-F now searches within notes, a feature I've asked for before. Thanks!

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JPV 12y, 355d ago

Good to see a new version in the works. I love the "Collapse Notes List" feature. Helps maintain focus.

One thing I was hoping that you might address, is a minor GUI glitch on longer notes, where the top of the note doesn't really properly line up with the window when you switch from another note. This doesn't seem to happen with the original Notational Velocity.

Thanks for all the hard work.

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Matt 13y, 5h ago

NICE. Loving that search works in Lion!

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Jim 13y, 2d ago

The 2.1 version would occasionally crash on me (sometimes multiple times on the same day). Switched to this beta yesterday- no crashes so far.

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Howard Buddin 13y, 3d ago

Thank you for fixing the PDF save/preview.

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Dennis Groves 13y, 19d ago

nvalt dumps core when you use the chrome extension to import a page into the new beta... :(

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Dennis Groves 13y, 19d ago

Sweet, I am up and running with the scissors! :-)

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John 13y, 20d ago

Thank you. Hard to believe that it could be improved, but after seeing the release notes, … you folks are awesome!

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Doug 13y, 20d ago

I just imploded.

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Jack 13y, 20d ago

This makes me so happy.

I was wondering, is there any kind of plan for some kind of markdown highlighting that some other markdown based editors do? I'm curious as to how NValt is going to develop :D

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elasticthreads 13y, 20d ago

Syntax highlighting would be nice. Also challenging, partly because we also support TextTile and so would have to support highlighting different syntaxes. Also because its a fair amount of work. And, if done poorly, can seriously slow down the responsiveness of the app; which nobody wants.

If we can get it to work, and work well, we'll do it.

Priority is the question. This last release was very markdown focused, yet I don't want nvALT to be considered a markdown only app. So (speaking for my own contribution efforts here) I might focus more on non markdown related features/improvements for the next release.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Polishing 2.2 is where we're at right now.

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wes 12y, 349d ago

I'd love to see iA Writer style editing in nvAlt. Ulysseys does something similar but is user customizable. For what it's worth, this is my #1 dreamed about feature.

Regardless, thanks for all the hard work on this wonderful app. nvAlt is fantastic and has become one of those bits of technology that I can no longer imagine living without.

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Isaac 12y, 331d ago

I'm with wes on this one, syntax highlighting is the main feature I would like to see in future updates. That being said, nvALT is already my main used text editor on my computer, it would just be nice to not have to open in iA Writer or Byword.

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Jay 13y, 20d ago

Woot woot

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