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Eric Armstrong 6y, 37d ago

Brett, do you have an iThoughts file that matches the graphic in your post that you could share? I’d love to save that as an aide-memoire to get started trying out your process.

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ttscoff 6y, 37d ago

My base template only has the top 5 nodes shown. I added the details for the post, but really it's just a central node with Problem, Requirements, Barriers, Questions, and Plan topics in the first level.

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Tor Løseth 6y, 38d ago

Great article!
I wonder how you organise/coordinate your project files/folders, do you have a "template" to start from, and will it reflect the outline from your mind-mapping?

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ttscoff 6y, 38d ago

As far as the actual files themselves, almost all of my mind maps go into a single brainstorming folder and get tagged to help me find them again. It's really the "master" maps I mentioned where I organize them, with lists of idea maps linked from general topics. I do have templates for app/project brainstorming, but a lot of my general maps just start with a central node and as I add ideas and group them the form comes together organically.

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Tor Løseth 6y, 38d ago

Thanks for that Brett!

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