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bernhard 10y, 54d ago

Hi Brett

Would't it be Vetter to implementiert this in Ruby. You could reger to the rake meta programming stufg and it would work cross plattform. It you intend to run it interactively, it can even be made asrake task whivh prompts for usr input as you propose. I know it is difficult to access the full Command line Form weithin a rake task.

It could be something like

rake i gen true, commit message: d

I did such a task to get autocompletion in long task names.


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ttscoff 10y, 54d ago

I ended up in Bash for a few reasons, but mostly because I eventually want to add grunt/gulp integration. I thought many times as I worked through the annoyances of shell scripting that I should just do this in Ruby, but I was too far down the rabbit hole.

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