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AJ 10y, 203d ago

After fighting with Clarify in order to get a simple instruction sheet created I'm ready to give up and call that money wasted. It will export my document as a PDF, but every other option produces all the folders (CSS, JS, Images) but the .md or .html files are blank.

I don't suppose you know of a way to hit "paste" in Sublime Text and have it insert the MarkDown image text and save the image from the clipboard into an /images folder where the .md file is?

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forumware 10y, 204d ago

Hi stumbled on you page looking for Markdown and Screensteps, I download both templates from clarify-it. And wrote a sample lesson in clarify and exported using the passthru and the hi-res version. I see a [.]md and the images folder. Do i upload manually to a new post and Wordpress would pick it up?

Thanks again,


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ttscoff 10y, 204d ago

Clarify support is beyond my scope, but the Markdown export is separate from WordPress export. You'd need to have your own setup for Markdown conversion and image upload on the blog.

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slothbear 10y, 217d ago

Did you use Clarify to create this blog post? There's a nice screenshot, so maybe... but even if so, do you have some favorite blog posts that would illustrate what's possible with Clarify?

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ttscoff 10y, 204d ago
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