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DRD 13y, 180d ago

I did actually notice and think, "I wonder if he's okay?"

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Alex Knight 13y, 181d ago

Extremely thoughtful, and of course thought-provoking piece. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this with my cup of coffee.

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Frank Eves 13y, 181d ago

In 2006, Vancouver experienced a very nasty windstorm, thousands of trees that had grown for hundreds of years were swiftly downed. We were left without power and the Internet for days. RUDE. I relate to your message, I've always relished being in touch, but out of reach. The amusing part of my windstorm story is that we didn't shower for days. Later we realized our water was heated by natural gas, not electricity. A slightly smelly household, because of my stupidity. :-)

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tcart 13y, 181d ago

I've been learning Markdown and using nvALT and looking at all your other goodies that I came across through Macsparky etc. It's been a great learning curve! I've been back and forth here on and off for days like a bee to honey. Thanks so much for it all and hope you keep up the great work, hopefully without too many more power outages! cheers mate ;-)

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Lri 13y, 181d ago

Single day without an internet connection → go all existential.

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Brett 13y, 181d ago


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