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unverified 3y, 346d ago

tagging files broke for macOS Big Sur, any idea how to do it now?

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unverified 4y, 208d ago

Have you figured out to search for tagged files/folders using find on the command line?

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Brett 4y, 208d ago

Just use mdfind.

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seishonagon 7y, 152d ago

Tags are apple's most undersupported good idea on the Mac right now. I can't wait for your "cleanup" script to become available :-)

Quick question: vitag chokes on my high Sierra install telling me it can't find vim or vi in my PATH, yet I have no problem running either editor from the CLI. I resort to -e bbedit but it's a pain to type:
* any idea why vitag can't find vi?
* can I specify bbedit as a default editor in the config file?


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Alexandre Flet 7y, 150d ago

« Tags are apple's most undersupported good idea on the Mac right now. »

Totally agree!!

All this command line stuff is chinese for me, but i'm looking for a way to built a "board of tags" on an ipad, using the Max software i'm familiar with ( topic here : )

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ttscoff 7y, 152d ago

Run `type -t vim` at a prompt. Do you get `file` as a response? If so, it should use that, otherwise defaulting to your $EDITOR variable. So the other option is to set $EDITOR, for which I do something like

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Vaclav Vancura 7y, 206d ago

I just want to say that I love your articles on tags. More of them please :) (And I know there's not enough people who are interested in it, so please keep up good work)

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jacksonfylle 7y, 209d ago


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Ted Wise 7y, 209d ago

The thing I still want to know and have never found out is where the system index of tags is stored. When you start typing a tag into Finder it will autocomplete tags that have already been used in files. Where does it get this autocomplete list from? There must be a system index of tags. I would like to be able to read that list.

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ttscoff 7y, 209d ago

I wrestled with that one for a while. Pretty sure I found them all in one of the Finder plists in the preferences folder, but my goal was to directly edit them and that turned out to be disastrous so I dropped the idea and now don't recall where I'd found them...

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