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unverified 3y, 220d ago

{label:"NV Note", value:"<nvalt://find/abnote: " & theName & ">"}

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Franklin 12y, 232d ago

At least in Germany you have to change since Mountain Lion the name of the folder for the script from AdressBook to Kontakte

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Jeff Porter 12y, 263d ago

Related only in the sense that it relates to linking to nvALT notes, how do I get my system (Lion) to recognise nvALT://linkname as a clickable link to an nvALT note when I include it in documents created in other programs, e.g. Wunderlist. At the moment, links don't show as clickable.

Just installed the upgrade. More great work.

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Snowstorm 13y, 10d ago

Works like a charm in iCal as well.
How convenient.

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kithairon 12y, 267d ago

Great little tool! Works fine on SL as well. How did you set this up in iCal?

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James Smith 13y, 43d ago

Just gotta say that this works like a charm and it had no problem at all creating links for all 200+ contacts at the same time. Love it and keep up the awesome work!

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andrea 13y, 44d ago

Indeed it did. Thank you very much for the clarification.

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andrea 13y, 45d ago

I am interested in this, and also in the possibility of linking a note from an HTML page. However, for me it doesn't seem to work. I ran your applescript to insert a note link in Address Book contacts, and tried to edit an HTML file with just the link in it: no effect. Console doesn't show any error. Do you have any other suggestion?

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Brett 13y, 45d ago

If you mean your link isn't opening nv/nvALT when you click it, make sure you have the correct prefix on the link. In the current public version of nvALT, this needs to be nvalt:// instead of nv://. Let me know if that helps.

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Chris 13y, 41d ago

Right-clicking a note in nvALT 2.1 copies a URL prefix that it seems unable to handle (nv rather than nvalt). This can be fixed manually of course but perhaps this confusion and help request could be avoided if they were both the same. Thanks for your work!

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Brett 13y, 41d ago

This is remedied in the next version, which accepts both nv:// and nvalt:// prefixes.

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Patrick 12y, 331d ago

Tried running nvALT 2.2b to use URLs in Omnifocus, but am having the same problem as Chris above. Same solution works as well, editing the link to the prefix nvalt:// rather than nv://. Like the new release so far. Thanks for all the hard work! PB

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