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pageturners 13y, 263d ago

These are fabulous. A 'Dates' collection would be nice: today's date, tomorrow's, yesterday's, next Thursday, next Thursday week, next Thursday fortnight, this month ("July 2011"), this week, and so on.

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Brett 13y, 263d ago

Good idea. If someone doesn't beat me to the punch, I'll add a set to the download page.

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maverickny 13y, 214d ago

The dates idea is great one - did anyone do it?

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Brett 13y, 213d ago

Kind of… a post on a System Service for natural-language dates will be live in about five minutes, and it's my general-purpose (non TextExpander) solution to the request. Hopefully it will be of use.

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Mike 13y, 351d ago

I can't get add as URL feature to work in TE, any ideas?

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Brett 13y, 351d ago

Works for me. Do you get an error?

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Phil Dhingra 14y, 30d ago

You're in luck the next update of Nebulous Notes will have MarkDown preview! Just finished coding it today.

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Doc Rock 14y, 27d ago

Cant wait I am so loving Nebulous Notes right now.

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Brett 14y, 30d ago

That is unbelievably awesome.

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Dr. Drang 14y, 30d ago

I have just a few Markdown snippets. Their main purpose is to avoid switching keyboards to type punctuation characters.

<li>hz inserts a #␣ for first-level (h1) headings</li>
<li>hhz inserts a ##␣ for second-level (h2) headings</li>
<li>hhhz inserts a ###␣ for third level (h3) headings</li>
<li>sz inserts a *␣ for unordered list items</li>

In every case, the open box character (␣) represents a space.

Most of my iOS TE snippets use z as the terminal character because it's easy to type and rare in real words. I have TE set to ignore case in abbreviations specifically to avoid the iOS auto-capitalization problem Chris Lawrence mentions in the first comment.

I generally avoid snippets that put the cursor in the middle of text because I find moving the cursor on an iPhone a pain in the ass. Still, Brett's link snippet looks pretty good, and I will be stealing it.

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Jon 14y, 31d ago

Awesome. Quick posting to Tumblr efficiency just increased massively.

Looks like there's a typo on the '' snippet though. At the moment it's "percent-L" rather than "percent-pipe". Just to let you know!

Thanks for sharing!

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Brett 14y, 31d ago

Thanks Jon,

I've updated the download and the install URL with the fix.

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Chris Lawrence 14y, 31d ago

I use Elements to take notes in class. I prefer writing in dot point, and I find it a bit tedious finding the * every time, so my TE snippet is Mdp which simply puts a * followed by a space. Simple but effective. The uppercase M is important because iOS auto-capitalises the first letter of each new line, although come to think of it I could just have the snippet insert a new line before the star.

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Robert Killington 14y, 31d ago

I addressed the iOS auto capitalisation issue by using a period to start my Markdown snippets, and I've now extended it to other useful snippets in TextExpander. So for a first level heading I'll enter ".h" and get #

I think its useful to create snippets so that you can stay on the first keyboard as much as possible.

How many other ways have users of iOS devices dreamt up to overcome the auto capitalisation in text editors when using TextExpander Touch?

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Brett 14y, 31d ago

Nice one. I wonder if you could just make the snippet M. (capital-m period), since you'd rarely, if ever, end a sentence with a capital M. Just thinking…

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Chris Lawrence 14y, 31d ago

That's a great idea, I'ma try it out.

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