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Bastian 12y, 172d ago

The quotation marks are a nice touch. I'm guessing it's an PNG? Could you maybe upload it or do you know which typeface it's from?

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Nick B 12y, 328d ago

Great !! that works a treat! thank you!!. Cause I'm a n00b canyou tell me what the script means so help my understanding and you used a bash not applescript would this have made any difference?

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Nick B 12y, 332d ago

Hi I'ma total nOOb and was thinking of another way to use your script.. which is great!!I'm trying to think of a way to get your script to get quotes from a my Mac and not a website and then display them in random orderm changing every 5 minutes or so. I only have to create small text files and place them into thesame folder for the list to grow. Can you please help??

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Brett 12y, 332d ago

Using Bash, it would just be a matter of creating an array using ls of the files in the folder, picking a random number between 0 and the numbers of items in the array, and then using cat to print the file at the randomly selected index.

For example:


quotefiles=(`ls -1 "${QUOTES_DIR}"`)
cat ${QUOTES_DIR}/${quotefiles[$((RANDOM%$count))]}

Picks a random file from a "quotes" folder on the Desktop and outputs its contents. Just set a script like that as the command for a geeklet with a 5 minute delay. Hope that gets you started.

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Gary L. Gray 13y, 13d ago

Long quotes don't seem to wrap for me (either that, or the wrapping is set longer than I like). What do I change in the above command to set the wrapping to a shorter width?

Thank you.

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Bluereef 13y, 39d ago

How can I make my own quote geeklets? I have about 30 quotes in a txt file that I would like to use. Is this possible?

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Dr. Drang 13y, 79d ago

Cute idea. Could also use fortune so it works when you're offline or the server is down.

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RObert 13y, 80d ago

What typeface are you using in your example above?

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Brett 13y, 79d ago

Raleway. It's free.

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