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Robert Irish 12y, 7d ago

Maybe it's a shuffler?

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Larry Hynes 12y, 7d ago

How about "Silo" instead of Archive and "Filter" instead of Search? :-)

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Peter 12y, 7d ago

You'll probably find it's completely irrelevant or a waste of time, but I would like to draw your attention to this nonetheless : *Wistlepig* :
Just a few days ago I read this article :

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ttscoff 12y, 7d ago

Yeah, that does exactly none of the things I'm working on :). I'm not interested in replacing search, NerdQuery does an awesome job of that for me. I'm more interested in creating a content discovery tool that makes it easy for someone who hasn't followed me to discover things I'm doing based on interests they express, without having to know the exact keyword I picked for a tag. Lots of semantic analysis and relationship building involved… because I also don't want to have to think about it. Just write posts and let it do the rest.

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David B 11y, 347d ago

The frustration for me is that, until an algorithm somehow incorporates the ability to associate terms and concepts that don't appear in the content or tags with terms and concepts that do, none of these things will ever replace a human-constructed back-of-the-book–style index.

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Zachary Kain ☯ 12y, 3d ago

"Discover" sounds friendlier than "sieve"

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