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Psibar 11y, 135d ago

Your unidirectional decision not to provide an upgrade price is very unwelcome and also to not provide an Appstore update.. I'm disappointed. Perhaps for $12 isn't an issue for you but for some of us this might become one.. :(

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Meliok 11y, 161d ago

Oh god, please bring it to the App Store even as a different product.
Many of us don't like to bother with licence codes to manage. App Store is so easy to use.

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arkossyzsolt 11y, 174d ago

Excellent update Brett! This is truly a V2! Thanks so much! I was happily buying the new version after testing the new features!

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Angela Booth 11y, 174d ago

Hi Brett, thank you! :-) Love Marked, bought Marked 2 immediately. You're right, it's faster. I love that it has MarsEdit and VoodooPad previews. Haven't tried them yet, just using it with TextMate. There's a lot to explore.

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