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Simon 13y, 66d ago

Many thanks for this Brett, and all the other useful things you do. I use both nvAlt and Marked. I'm sorry if I missed it, but how do you get the breadcrumbs (navigation history) to show on the website you created with Voodoopad?

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Brett 13y, 65d ago

Sorry for the delayed response (CES). The history tab on the right just uses javascript and cookies to remember your path (erasing duplicates).

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Simon W. Jones 13y, 65d ago

Thanks very much for the follow up.

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ron 13y, 85d ago

I have a giant, dorktastic VoodooPad document with meticulous notes for a D&D game world. Now I have a reason to share it. Thanks!

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Phil 13y, 86d ago

Every time I turn around you've posted something new that I just have to try. I'm getting behind! Still trying to master MD and MMD and now have to add VoodooPad to the mix. Ah well, keeps the mind active.

Keep up the good work!

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