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Patrick Welker 10y, 183d ago

If you own the paid you could make a menu bar app out of Spillo.

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Paul Mayne 10y, 210d ago

Thanks Brett. I stopped using Spillo for the same reason, I didn't like the requirement having the app open to save a quick bookmark.

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MelMatsuoka 10y, 210d ago

You're amazing, Brett, but sometimes you work way too hard!

I too desired a Spillo bookmarklet, and I just emailed the developer to ask if they had a URL-handler scheme for it. Within a few hours, he replied to me with the complete definition of the URL-scheme:

Scheme: spillo
Method: bookmark

Query parameters:

url – The post URL, a string

title – The post title, a string

desc – The post description, a string

tags – The post tags, a list of tags, as a string separated by whitespace

unread – The post unread status, 1 or 0

private – The post private status, 1 or 0

So, if you only want to show the bookmark window without populating it, you would use the following URL:


To show the bookmark window with a given URL you’d do:


And finally a more complex example:


remark link
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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

ttscoff 10y, 210d ago

Nice. I didn't find the tags option, that will be handy.

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