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George 13y, 234d ago

Hi, I find the app VERY useful and I used it daily till ...
I saw the new 2.1 version and wanted to update from 2.0. I "checked for updates" and an error said to me it was impossible :(
So, I came here and direct downloaded the nvALT 2.1 and just replaced the old app
BUT now the nvALT doesn't load and returns me the error:

"The application nvALT quit unexpectedly.
2011-07-30 16:49:46 +0300

Library not loaded: /usr/lib/librypto.0.9.8.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/
Reason: image not found"

PLEASE TELL ME that my valuable notes aren't in danger. What should I do to retrieve them?
I hope something can be done to not stop using it and NOT LOOSE my notes.
Thanks in advance!

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Brett 13y, 234d ago

Your notes should be fine. It looks like you're missing a standard library in your setup, but we haven't added anything on our end that references that library. I'd recommend going back to version 2.0 or trying the main Notational Velocity to get back to your notes and make sure you have them synced to disk or Simplenote.

We'll take a look at the bug in the meantime.

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George 13y, 234d ago

Yes! Thank you for your immediate answer.
I couldn't find version 2.0 on my self. It works again now :)

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Kevin Taylor 13y, 238d ago

Yes, I am in the perpetual sync mode, and new notes from Simplenote iPhone app are not downloaded, after upgrading to Lion. Sad clown. :(

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Shawn 13y, 239d ago

I've just switch from NV to nvAlt, and all is well, minus the fact that nvAlt seems to remain stuck sync'ing one item, according to the status message when I hover over the sync progress indicator.

Is anyone else seeing this perpetual sync?

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Carlos 13y, 239d ago

Hi Brett,

After upgrade to Lion, nvALT stop syncing with simplenote. Actually, It can upload changes to simplenote server, but cannot download from web to local. Original NV still works fine.

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PAFoster 13y, 316d ago

Hey Brett nvALT is just brilliant so thank you.

Sadly, one minor, though irritating feature (?) is that it just won't stay put!

I use spaces to work, and all my writing tools are launched in one space, however, although nvALT is set to open and be used it Space 2, if it's running, it will immediately jump and be the input focus on any other space I go to.

It just won't stay put!

Any ideas as to what's going on, Brett?



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Brett 13y, 316d ago

This is a known issue that we should have fixed in the upcoming 2.1 release.

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Coolspec 13y, 329d ago

Hi Brett

I have the official NV version and I just downloaded yours on my machine. Is this OK to have both versions? Do they coexist nicely? (Ultimately I plan on using only one version though)



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Brett 13y, 329d ago

Yep, nvALT uses separate preferences and application name, so it's fine. I wouldn't recommend running them simultaneously with sync turned on, but they coexist nicely.

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gardel 13y, 338d ago

I apologize for such a mundane question, but can you tell me where one sets the external editor and invokes it in nvALT 2.0? In NV, it's set in Preferences/General and invoked from the Note/Edit With menu. But neither setting is available to me in nvALT. Thanks for the great collaborative project.

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Brett 13y, 337d ago

Hi gardel,

It's at the bottom of Preferences/Editing, and is opened under the Note menu in nvALT (command-shift-o). That may change soon to match the official implementation, but that's where it is for now.

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gardel 13y, 337d ago

Thank you Brett.

The Command-Shift-O combo does add an External Text Editor pulldown option at the bottom of Preferences/Editing (definitely not there when I open nvALT, only after doing Command-Shift-O). However, I'm not allowed to select anything in the pulldown, nothing happens when I click on it. When I invoke Command-Shift-O in nvALT itself, no external editor opens. In the Note menu, "Open Note in TextEdit" is there, but grayed-out. I'll be glad to help debug this if indeed it's not my own dumb error.

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ttscoff 13y, 337d ago

We'll have to wait for ElasticThreads to weigh in on this one, it's definitely his area of the app.

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Brett 13y, 240d ago

You should have better luck in v2.1, due out soon.

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Roy 13y, 240d ago

I have the same issue (grayed out, can't select from Preferences pulldown).

Was a fix ever found?

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Bob Kepford 13y, 342d ago


First off, thank you for your work on nvALT. Love it. I was wondering if there were any reason why I couldn't remove the original Notational Velocity applications since I'm no longer using it? Again, thank you so much.

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Brett 13y, 342d ago

There's no reason to keep NV around if you're not using it, and you can always reinstall it again later if you need to.

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Bob Kepford 13y, 342d ago

Awesome. Thank you!

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Håvard Pedersen 13y, 344d ago

When changing note formats, nvALT really should offer to convert all of your existing notes. I found a workaround for this by selecting all notes, adding a dummytag and then removing the tag.

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David 13y, 345d ago

I have also been having issues with nvalt 2.0 crashing constantly on my MacBook Pro (C2D, OS X 10.6.7). I've placed a copy of the latest crash report here if it's of any use:

As a suggestion, since a number of people seem to be having issues with the new version, a download link to the previous version would be a good idea. I could not find one anywhere here so I am using plain Notational Velocity at the moment.

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ttscoff 13y, 345d ago

Thanks for the crash report. I've received reports that the crashes have something to do with the preferences and application support files from either nvALT1 or NV, and that removing the previous preference files and the support folder stops the crashes. It might be worth trying until we find a more substantial answer.

The previous version of nvALT will not run at all if you've ever run the latest NV or nvALT2. The database update is not backwards compatible.

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From Stage 13y, 347d ago

One more thing: tab's size changed, it's 5 chars now (was 8). Could you change it back or make a "tab length" option in the preferences? Pretty please.

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From Stage 13y, 347d ago

I think there's problem with nvALT and Spaces: nvALT doesn't stay on one particular Space. If it's the active application and I change the Space, its window is moves to new Space (like if it was always on top). That's different behaviour than in v1.0.7.

Also, the vertical separator between titles and notes looks weird. I think there should be no space between the scrollbar and the separator, and the separator should be much narrower.

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From Stage 13y, 347d ago

OK, problems with Spaces fixed by assigning nvALT to a particular Space, I should have read the comments before posting. I still think the vertical separator looks strange, but it's a minor issue. Also, count me in for the "ctrl key" issue (annoying when you change Spaces with using this key).

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MVopat 13y, 347d ago

Really love the new nValt. One question: Why does the first line of a note get indented in the MultiMarkdown preview window even though I have not marked-up the note to do that. Is there any way to turn off the first line indent?


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Brett 13y, 347d ago

It shouldn't. If you had a previous version, you may have old CSS in the preview. Go to ~/Library/Application Support/Notational Velocity/ and delete the custom.css file, then run nvALT again. Let me know if that helps.

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MVopat 13y, 347d ago

Removing the custom.css file did the trick.

Thanks very much for the incredibly quick reply (actually freaked me out a bit).


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yogeek 13y, 348d ago

First of all THANK YOU! Second, I can't get the update. It keeps telling me that an error occurred while installing the update :( I have a Intel Macbook late 2006 running 1.5.8. Bummer!

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Brett 13y, 347d ago

Please download a new copy. The app name has changed and auto updates don't work.

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Adam Capriola 13y, 349d ago

Really cool stuff man! I love that you can open notes with an external editor.

One bug I noticed:

When you toggle to full screen, the layout goes from vertical to horizontal. I want the layout to be vertical the whole time, so it seems kinda weird that it switched when you go full screen (though you can change it back to vertical again).

Just thought I'd let you know!



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Max 13y, 349d ago

Fullscreen mode on a dual display setup blacks out the second display. Is it possible to modify nvALT to open fullscreen on one display and have the other display visible? Ideally it would also not switch out of fullscreen when losing focus under this setup as well.

Quicktime Player behaves thus if you fullscreen it on the secondary display as opposed to the primary.


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Brett 13y, 349d ago

On my system it does black out the second display, but using command tab allows me to load up any other app in front of the blackout (or nvALT fullscreen) and not lose fullscreen when switching focus.

We can take a look at not doing the blackout on the secondary display, but it functions mostly the way you're requesting already, doesn't it?

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Max 13y, 349d ago

Yes it functions such that it doesn't exit fullscreen mode when switching applications but blacking out the other display isn't all that useful to me. Not that I don't love the color black. I can also just maximize it on the secondary display as well and then I don't lose the ability to see everything on the other display. I just thought I would mention it as a possible change. Although as it stands it might be beneficial to some people to have the other display blacked out.

Thanks for the quick reply.

(If you decide not to change it I won't be heartbroken, it's still a great application.)

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Kyle 13y, 349d ago

Loving the new version, you guys seriously nailed it! Especially the edit in external editor and the word count.

The one issue I have is that it doesn't respect Spaces like Brett's original version did. Also, my modifier key for Spaces is the control key, so when I switch Spaces nvALT follows me and the preview window pops up, hovering over everything. It is like a little comedy of errors, but is making the app tough to use. Is there any chance of adding an option for nvALT to respect Spaces? Would appreciate it.

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Brett 13y, 349d ago

@Kyle and @BoogerBoy

I'm not sure what changed offhand, but if you set nvALT to a specific space in preferences, it will stay there. We'll take a look at the overall Spaces behavior.

As elasticthreads mentioned above, we're also taking a look at the ctrl-key behavior for the next release.

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Brent 13y, 349d ago

After a restart, this stopped working. The Spaces preference is still there, but the app follows me around again. Deleting and re-inputting the preference fixes it.

Just a data point. (10.5.8)

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Kyle 13y, 349d ago

Worked for me too. I'm a bit embarassed I didn't think of that myself. Thanks, Brett!

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BoogerBoy 13y, 349d ago

Works for me - THANKS

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BoogerBoy 13y, 349d ago

When I move between Spaces, nvALT follows me around. Is there a way to turnoff that behavior and have nvALT stay in the same Space? Notational Velocity doesn't move...

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Alpha 13y, 349d ago

Love it! Move app to application directory, back up old NV directory, link to NV directory, verify working perfectly, delete backed up directory. Just Works! Love it, except the "(hold down Control to view temporarily)." If I just could disable or modify that key binding. Every key binding seems to be modifiable except the very one I'd like to change....

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elasticthreads 13y, 349d ago

I know. It's too sensitive. Fixed in next version

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razzi 13y, 349d ago

Nice version... I really like it.

However I have tons of messages in my console output like these:

6/04/11 10:52:03 nvALT[11691] Couldn't make string out of data for note safari shortcuts with format 6
6/04/11 10:52:03 nvALT[11691] file safari was modified but could not be updated
6/04/11 10:52:03 nvALT[11691] FILE WAS MODIFIED: safari
6/04/11 10:52:03 nvALT[11691] updateFromData:: Unknown format: 6

any idea what's going on?

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NickBrawne 13y, 350d ago

2.0 looks great. Loving the themed note list as well as note window and new scroll bar.

One question, I use a dark gray background with light gray text, is there any way to change the color of URL's, as the colors that NV and NValt chose automagically are pretty awful. I end up using a 75 - 80% gray instead of the 85 - 90% that I prefer just to get rid of the putrid green/blue URL color. Can I fix this with custom CSS in the main note window, or is that just for the preview window?

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R Takuya 13y, 350d ago

Notational Velocity fixes that:

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keizo 13y, 350d ago

Thanks for new nvALT.
I got understood about tagging integrate with Simplenote.
The nvALT couldn't display Japanese tag. Is that same issue ?

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Don Developmentalist 13y, 350d ago

Three thumbs up!

Moved over from the current version of NV without a hitch, tags intact.

Love the word count.


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Nitin Badjatia 13y, 350d ago

Great job on the update! On the note tagging feature, when will tagging integrate with Simplenote? Is that a limitation of Simplenote or NV?

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ttscoff 13y, 350d ago

It's an NV thing at this point. Stay tuned.

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Mike 13y, 350d ago

hey, i love nv alt, the new version will not run on my mac, keeps popping up with the “quit unexpectedly error”

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Tim 13y, 349d ago

Thank you for releasing this!

Unfortunately, I seem to be one of the users getting crashes. These crashes happen about 5 seconds after opening nvalt2.

Notes are stored in Zettelkaten (markdown text) in a dropbox folder, and set to sync to simplenote.

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elasticthreads 13y, 350d ago

Please also include how you store your notes (where and what format)

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Mike 13y, 345d ago

stored as plain text files in notational data folder inside dropbox..

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Brett 13y, 350d ago

Mike--and anyone else posting, emailing or tweeting crash reports--please include your platform (PowerPC or Intel) and OS X version.

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Mike 13y, 348d ago

Intel Core Duo 2, 10.6.6

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Richard 13y, 350d ago

Wow, this looks huge!

Now here's a question to which the answer may seem obvious. Please bear with me since I haven't tried any NV fork before and I want to make absolutely sure that I don't corrupt my data unknowingly:

Can nvALT 2.0 be configured to use the same database as scrod's NV?

Or, on a more technical level: Is nvALT's "Notes & Settings" fully compatible with NV-vanilla?

Plus, if the answer is "Yes": Can nvALT and NV-vanilla run and access the same database at the same time? I assume they would interfere on access to the "Interim Note-Changes" file, so I guess the answer to this second question is "No" -- but I'd just like to make this sure. You know, having a two-window setup would be sooo sweet...

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Zachary Schneirov 13y, 345d ago

The database format did not change from B4 to B5. It did in a few previous versions, though. In general I try to mention this in the Sparkle release notes, so it's important to check them before clicking the "Install Update" button.

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elasticthreads 13y, 350d ago

"Can nvALT 2.0 be configured to use the same database as scrod’s NV?"
Yes. It uses a different preferences file in ~/Library/Preferences/, but can read the same note database. You just need to go into your nvALT prefs>>Notes and set "Read notes from folder" to the same folder you use with NV(or whatever folder you want).

"Or, on a more technical level: Is nvALT’s “Notes & Settings” fully compatible with NV-vanilla?"
It definitely was fully compatible with NVb4, which was up to date until the last week. I just tried to use NVb5 (released by Scrod a week ago I think) with my nvALT database and then switched back to nvALT and had no problems. That's not 100% guarantee with NVb5, but seems alright. Can't make any promises moving forward, but if you want to try out nvALT and then try out NVb5 I think you'll be alright

"Plus, if the answer is “Yes”: Can nvALT and NV-vanilla run and access the same database at the same time? I assume they would interfere on access to the “Interim Note-Changes” file, so I guess the answer to this second question is “No” — but I’d just like to make this sure. You know, having a two-window setup would be sooo sweet…"

The "Notes & Settings" file can only be read by one application at a time. So, for now, if they use the same notes database, you're stuck with only nvALT or NV open at a time. On the other hand, you could have separate notes databases for each app and run them together; that SHOULD work (not 100% there either, but I can't imagine why there's be a problem).

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Richard 13y, 350d ago

Thanks a zillion for your quick answer! Now nothing can keep me anymore from trying this baby a.s.a.p.! :)

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Alex 13y, 350d ago

Thanks Brett! v2 is awesome. One quick (probably silly) question - I can not make neither "Convert imported URLs to Markdown" and "Process with Readability" work... if I drag the url it just places url into the note. What am I missing? Thanks.

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MacGeek JB 13y, 350d ago

Means Of Importing Data

Information can be added to NV in different ways:

<li>Drag-and-drop into the list of notes</li>
<li>Drag-and-drop onto the Dock icon</li>
<li>The global New Note With Selection Services item1 (Command-Shift-V)</li>
<li>The Note > Import menu item</li>
<li>The Edit > Paste as New Note (also Command-Shift-V) menu item</li>
<li>Right-clicking the Dock icon and choosing Add New Note from Clipboard</li>

Importing URL contents

The textual contents of URLs from web browsers can also be added using most of the above methods (drag and drop from a web browser, paste-as-new-note, etc.).

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Alex 13y, 350d ago

@MacGeek JB - Thanks for this very detailed answer. Great!

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MacGeek JB 13y, 350d ago

I just copy/pasted what was on the NV wiki pages — since all that functionality is in NV. They aren't features of nvALT.

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Brett 13y, 350d ago

Drag to the notes list, not into a note.

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Alex 13y, 350d ago

@Brett - Great. Thank you. So cool!

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Andrew Janjigian 13y, 350d ago

Okay, one minor gripe: The Services item seems to be defunct ('NV: New Note with selection'). Any chance it can be restored, or tips on how to get it working again?

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elasticthreads 13y, 350d ago

Because nvALT is a different app than NV we can't use the same service, so... there's a different service (same service really, just a different name). You probably have to go enable it in System Prefs>>Keyboard>>Keyboard Shortcuts>>Services.

It's called "nvALT: New Note with Selection"

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Andrew Janjigian 13y, 350d ago

My bad. I didn't realize it had to be enabled, don't remember doing it last time around. That did the trick. Thanks! No gripes to speak of now, this app is great.

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Jay 13y, 350d ago

Somehow the External Editors list decided to Illustrator would be a nice text editor :-) but TextMate is not listed? Is there a way to force in TextMate?

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elasticthreads 13y, 350d ago

I emailed you, not sure you got it, but let me know what format you store your notes as and if you don't keep TextMate in /Applications/ for some reason. Replying here should be alright. I'm also elasticthreads ATt gmail

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Tom 13y, 346d ago

After fiddeling around, here is the trick, which made Textmate work. I had not configured Textmate as default for my plain texts. After making Textmate to the default editor in Finder nvalt showed Textmate in the prefs.

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Tom 13y, 348d ago

Hi, same problem here. I have the apps installed in the /Applications folder working in a german language environment (where it is called Programme). Switching to english language and installing the apps anew doesn't help.

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Ben Chinn 13y, 349d ago

I'm having the same issue with Textmate not available as an editor. I keep notes in .txt format and have moved both NValt and Textmate to /Applications but am still having the problem. Many thanks for your attention to this and your great work so far.

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Ben Chinn 13y, 342d ago

Happy to say the problem with selecting Textmate as an editor has disappeared. It may have required a restart after I put Textmate and NValt in the /Applications folder.

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Brett 13y, 350d ago

Oh, that's weird. It's not showing up for me right now, either. The external editor feature is ElasticThread's baby, I'll make sure he gets the note and we'll find a fix.

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Josh 13y, 350d ago

Word! Nice work fellas...I'm so grateful to you guys for all of this! NV (and then your fork of it) has been running non-stop on all my Macs since I first discovered them. Changed my life.

Couple things:


TextMate shows up for me without a a matter of fact, nvALT picked it as the default external editor for me, which was perfect.


Did the preference for changing the background color of the notes list not make the cut for 2.0, or am I looking in the wrong place? I'm already missing my sweet black/gray alternating rows...but I can survive without them. Just curious.




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Andrew Janjigian 13y, 350d ago

Holy moly! 2 minutes in, and I'm in love. Just sent you a double sawbuck for your efforts. This new version is sexy as hell. Best feature (among many)? "Open in External Editor", which throws the note into WriteRoom perfectly (from what I can tell so far). QuickCursor had not been behaving for me lately, and this is so much more sleek. Thanks and praises to you both!

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Dave L 13y, 350d ago

Cool! Thanks so much-- loving your version of NV after discovering it via Practically Efficient.

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Jeroen de Miranda 13y, 350d ago

Brett, great work! Thanks for this new version, it makes fast blogging even easier!


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Brett 13y, 350d ago

Thanks! Let me reiterate, though, that even more credit belongs to ElasticThreads. Be sure to let him know, too!

By the way, to all, all donations made using the links on the project/download page will be split between ElasticThreads and me. If you're donating to nvALT, be sure to use the links in the content area of that page! Misplaced donations with "nvALT" listed in the comments will be moved to that fund as well :).

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Surat 13y, 350d ago

What about Scrod?

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urbanXplorer 13y, 350d ago

this is basically just Notational Velocity, so it certainly seems odd that brett is collecting fees for it so prominently. of course it would probably be insulting to give scrod 30% of a donation for what is literally 99% his work.

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Zachary Schneirov 13y, 345d ago

I decided not to accept donations for Notational Velocity because I have other revenue opportunities planned. There's really no foul play going on here — it's quite alright. Elasticthreads and Brett certainly have the right to collect donations for their modifications; I made NV open source so that others could customize it for their specific needs, seeing as so many people seem to have visions for the software that extend beyond the objectives of a note-taking application.

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Samatict 13y, 348d ago


Wow, what an incredibly rude post! You not only managed to demean the efforts put into nvALT, but you also managed to imply thievery as well. On top of that you decided to change "donation" to "collecting fees" to further denigrate the entire project.

Anyone donating to this fork is doing so to reward the effort Brett and David put into customizing the original app. The changes they implemented is not as negligible and as worthless as you make it out to be. If people want to pay Scrod for the main project, they should go ask Scrod to implement a donate button at the original's site.

Maligning Brett as if his own work has no value, and that 99% of all donations is embezzled money is just reprehensible. Do you speak for Scrod? Is it on you to define some kind of profit-sharing agreement between nvALT and Notational Velocity?

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Brett 13y, 350d ago

Seriously? Was it the lack of linkage to the original's page, the failure to attribute the pertinent features of the new version to Scrod, or the consistent use of the term "donation" that you thought would mislead people?

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MacGeek JB 13y, 350d ago

One thing I just noticed on the NV blog: http://scrodlog.notational....

Do you have a hand in this next new super-markdown that scrod is talking about?

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Brett 13y, 350d ago

Nope. I'm very curious to see where he goes with it, though. I've been working on some Markdown editing tools that I want to incorporate, but Scrod may very well obsolete them before I finish them (which wouldn't bother me at all :).

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MacGeek JB 13y, 350d ago

So you finally copied scrod's code from the beginning of the year containing all the new features?

Excellent! Looking forward to more markdown editing.

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