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Suleiman Leadbitter 10y, 232d ago

Any chance of you making some groovy actions harnessing Searchlink or nvAlt?

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Fábio Pinto Fortkamp 10y, 246d ago

Dropzone seems really great, but I have a question: why would you use this and not Services, for exemple?

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Mark E. Wallace 10y, 247d ago

But speaking of do I keep PopClip from popping up when I try to drop something (say, just some highlighted text) onto the Dropzone 3 bar?

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Bob Ovison 10y, 234d ago

I resolved this with keeping PopClip always switched off and triggering the context menu with a key (double Control) using Alfred. This trick described on PopClip website, somewhere in the help pages. The script itself is:

tell application "PopClip" to appear

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Stuart 10y, 247d ago

Oh my God, slightly off topic but how did I ever live without Pop Clip?! I've used it about 16.3 million times in the past two hours, what an awesome piece of software :-)

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