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sirshanksalot 6y, 61d ago

Thanks for including your favourite bash_profile tricks Brett!

I have an expanded 'ip' alias I use that gives me both local and remote IPs in one if it's of any use to anyone:
alias ip="ifconfig | grep 'inet ' | grep -v | cut -d\ -f2; curl"

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Connors Matt 6y, 62d ago

Forgot the real power and depth of SearchLink. Glad to have the reminder. Is there a reason the reference link numbering is atypical? Is there a way to reset the numbering for reference links per use or periodically? My links are being numbered [255-0001][255-0002]...etc. on creation. Thanks.

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ttscoff 6y, 62d ago

The link numbering is designed to avoid any conflict with existing references when adding links to a document. In most cases SearchLink has no idea what might already exist in the document, so it randomizes to a certain extent.

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Matt Connors 6y, 62d ago

Got it.

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Jeremiah Flintwinch 6y, 63d ago

I would like to add to this list your bookmarklets
- killzapper ( ) and
- vidwipe ( )

I use them every day - I love the satisfaction they provide me when removing some annoying site element/video.
Thank you for that!

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