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Dr. Drang 13y, 353d ago

I worry a bit about using a global find-and-replace to turn someone's prefix into [[PREFIX]]. I wrote a little Python script that's a bit more focused on the abbreviation items in the plist file. It uses Python's nifty plistlib module.

Since there doesn't seem to be a place to upload .tedit files, this script is currently useful only to Brett. But I'm assuming the TE-Tool section on the TE-Snippets site will be opened up to mere mortals soon…

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greg 13y, 359d ago

Man that is cool i am a new textspander guy and love it! Thanks

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Dr. Drang 13y, 359d ago

Nicely done, Brett, and [[PREFIX]] is a better choice than just PREFIX.

This will, however, force you to write a post explaining to people how to turn their .textexpander files into .tedlist files.

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Doc Rock 13y, 360d ago

Brett, This is a truly brilliant idea. I personally like the may you made them; however, I can appreciate some people needing to edit the groups to fit there needs. Since I know you I don't wanna kiss your "Okole" (the Hawaiian Word for rear end) I blow your head up with too many complements, But no seriously you an amazing freak of nature when it comes to solving the day to day minutia for Nerdom.


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David 13y, 360d ago

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what this is or what it does. I'm an avid TE user and have been for a couple of years. Whatever you've created sounds cool, but I don't get it.

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Doc Rock 13y, 360d ago

@David, I simply allows for BT's snippits users to create custom activators for the snippits. For some users that may not like the ,,snippit syntax. I like it how it is but is saves a lot of time editing each and every snippit to edit the ,,


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