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Rene 14y, 41d ago

Hi Brett. I was using the original NV. Loved it, but then I came across this fork of the project that adds some features. When I try to open it, it gives me a warning.

Either option quits the app. If I re-open, it does the same thing. Any idea what I should do?

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Brett 14y, 41d ago

I'm getting that question a lot :). See this post for some notes.

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Jjohn 14y, 64d ago


How do I get my Simplenote tags to show up in nvALT. I can see them on my ipad and at, but not in nvALT.

Thank you,


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Brett 14y, 63d ago

They don't, yet. We're working on it :).

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mwschmeer 14y, 98d ago

I love this. I only wish this fork worked on PPC Tiger, as I'm stuck at home on the low end. But under Leopard (10.5.8), it's wonderful on my work Core Duo iMac.

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Brett 14y, 98d ago

I think I can make it compile for Tiger as well, let me try for the next update.

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mwschmeer 14y, 98d ago


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Etherealmind 14y, 101d ago

Enjoying this program a whole lot. The Widescreen view is particularly nice and welcome for managing large numbers of notes and rapidly switching between them.

Incidental : I'm looking to make a table of contents by listing headings (say level 1-3) in a piece of text. I don't think that MMD does this, but I'm hoping for a better answer. Does MMD does this ? Am i missing something ?

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Brett 14y, 101d ago

Two ways to do it. If you want it in the preview, you can do it with jQuery. I have an example ready to go, I'll post it on the project page under Customization shortly. I'm hoping to collect a few interesting ready-to-go templates.

If you want it in the final output (Save HTML), it's a different story. I don't currently process through the XSLT file that would create that normally. There's a file in the MMD package called xhtml-toc.xslt, which will create the table of contents using the XHTML that Markdown has already generated. So, in theory, you could use the Save HTML and then run it through a script to generate the TOC.

Here's what the jQuery version looks like (only uses h2's right now, but easily expanded):

<img src="" alt="jQuery TOC in nvALT"/>

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Etherealmind 14y, 97d ago

jQuery is outside of my skillset so I'll look forward to seeing what you make available.

I'm using nvAlt everyday, specifically for blogging and authoring of content (including tables!) and truly appreciate to hackery you have done.


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