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unverified 4y, 56d ago

Wow, awesome!

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unverified 4y, 144d ago

Sorry to comment on an ancient post, but for future reference: I got an error number -2741. After a little research it became apparent that tell atab to do javascript "window.location.reload()" should read tell atab to execute javascript "window.location.reload()".

Also, I needed to enable Chrome to execute Javascript events throught AppleScript (View -> Developer).

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Tommy 13y, 36d ago

This looks awesome, but I'm not able to get the rb-script nor the service working in Lion. Any ideas?

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pax 13y, 82d ago

Awesomely awesome! Thanks for saving some very repetitive keystrokes.
Though, I only managed to get it going in Safari (the system service version) but when I run the Crome version I, when I change one of the files inside the watched folder I get:
The action “Run Shell Script” encountered an error.

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Indy 13y, 210d ago

Thanks. This is very useful. I'm enjoying working through my test process using this.

A quick word though. The Watcher Automator script does not seem to work on Lion.

You wouldn't happen to have a version running on Lion, would you?

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Donald Curtis 14y, 11d ago

One of these processes got away from me today. Seems like using the services menu they will persist. I just stopped the service but the process (ps x | grep ruby) is still showing up.

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Brett 14y, 11d ago

Odd. Did you kill the process that you found in ps? It's possible that processes spawned from a Service might not be entirely controllable by the Service. Couple of questions:

<li>Did you have more than one folder being watched at the time?</li>
<li>If so, did you select multiple folders, or run the Service more than once?</li>

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