Just came across this little helper: https://github.com/gillibrand/launchbar-pinboard Easy to install as a suite of custom actions for LaunchBar 6 and it's working great.
How dumb am i not to make this thing to work?
Then let's see if i got this straight. I've changed the info:
PB_USERNAME = 'myusername'
PB_PASSWORD = 'mypassword'
BOOKMARK_FILE = '/Users/Phillip/Dropbox/Apps/PinboardBookmarks.html'
I open Terminal and go chmod a+x /Users/Phillip/Dropbox/Apps/allpinboard.rb
That's the drill right? So why doesn't it generate the file? :(
Another simple alternative is create a LaunchBar search template. I went into the LaunchBar Index, selected "Search Template" on the left side, clicked add on the bottom, and entered in the following information.
Name: Pinboard
Details: http://www.pinboard.in/sear...
Works great! On question though. I wanted to put my bookmarks file in a folder which had a space in the path name, e.g.
~/user/Library/Application Support/ Pinboard/pinboardbookmarks.html
I couldn't get that path to work in the script no matter how I tried to escape the space, e.g.
'~/user/Library/Application\ Support/ Pinboard/pinboardbookmarks.html'
'"~/user/Library/Application Support/ Pinboard/pinboardbookmarks.html"'
'~/user/Library/"Application Support"/ Pinboard/pinboardbookmarks.html'
Ruby choked on all of those with a "no such directory" error. How can I specify a file path with a space? Thanks!
I made a script like that a while ago. It's written in Python, gets the password from ~/.netrc, uses JSON instead of XML and even returns proper return codes on errors (UNIX FTW!)
I forgot about descriptions though…