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Gregor 12y, 213d ago

Interesting-- but how is mind mapping different than outlining for you? The mind map image just seems to represent a tree structure, which could as easily be represented in a outline. Does the spatial organisation carry meaning? or do you just find navigation quicker?

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ptujec 13y, 169d ago

I was just telling a friend today I mostly use plain text and mindmaps to capture thoughts and stuff these days.
Maybe because I have great tools to do it … namely nvALT and iAWriter for plain text and Mindnode Pro for my mindmaps.

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Michael Schechter 13y, 169d ago

I've become a big fan of David Sparks, iThoughts HD to Scrivener trick. Take your mind map, flesh out your idea, then take that visual through the magic of OPML and turn it into a functional outline. It's made my more structured writing so much faster and you are spot on, you (or at least I) can't truly flesh out these types of ideas in a text file.

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Jonathan D. 13y, 169d ago

I've been convinced by you and others (Gruber, Mann, & Rhone, among others) that plain text is the way to go for keeping text. But what are some other open formats for things like spreadsheets? I know CSV will keep the cell data, but is there a "plain text equivalent" for Excel? I have a spreadsheet that I use for budgeting that I'd like to keep around. Any suggestions?

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Frank Eves 13y, 168d ago

If you enjoy playing with columns of data, including numbers, Panorama Sheets is great fun. It may or may not suit your needs, but it does allow import/export of text files in various formats including CSV. Watch the video here.

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Giovanni Lanzani 13y, 168d ago

Well, you should you orgmode1 with Emacs for that. Works great, The only downside is that you have to use Emacs ;)




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Brett 13y, 169d ago

I'm sure there are solutions, but I won't be of much help. My brain totally freezes when faced with grids of numbers, so I avoid them like the plague. Anyone else?

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Joshua Kehn 13y, 169d ago

You did not just write a post about mind mapping without recommending any applications for it.

All the ones I've used are either slow or inflexible. I want to just mesh some ideas and grid them, automatically backlinking to ideas already on the table.

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Brett 13y, 169d ago

I did a while back. I have to admit, though, that I broke down and upgraded my Mindjet MindManager license. It's not, in my opinion, worth what I paid, but it's definitely a joy to use for most mapping. MindNode is still awesome, though, and definitely my go-to app for simple maps.

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Michael Schechter 13y, 169d ago

I've been trying to get into MindNode for the Mac, but i find iThoughts on the iPad so much faster (and it seems to adjust to changes better as well).

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Mathew 13y, 166d ago

Michael: I'm not sure I know MindNode Pro all that much better, but I just find it easier/faster to use a regular keyboard to brainstorm with over the virtual keypad on an iPad. I LOVE the ability of iThoughts and MindNode Pro both to save as OPML in order to go to Scrivener.

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Mathew 13y, 167d ago

iThoughts is wonderful on the iPad, but I find it unintuitive that it's faster for your than MindNode Pro. Maybe it's just me and how I use the iPad. Although iThoughts is fantastics, MindNode Pro is now my "go to" app for this sort of thing. Not only is it quick, but re-thinking or re-structuring a map is easy: drag and drop a node into a new area. I can use the keyboard to fold/unfold sub-nodes. It's especially nice when working with a group who have a lot of suggestions—easy to edit, easy to restructure.

The only thing I wish MindNode Pro had is the ability to put "notes" into nodes. Apparently it will have this feature at 2.0. iThoughts is great at handling notes and a lot of other things, but I never thought of it as quick.

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Michael Schechter 13y, 167d ago

I'm still new to MindNode, so it could be user error :) More often than not, I'm using Mind Mapping to outline a post or a project that gets dropped into Scrivener. I just find iThoughts is faster for that kind of a layout. I'm also not really adding that much media into it, which is clearly where MindNode seems to shine.

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