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Steve 13y, 116d ago

I use Marked and ByWord and QuickSilver. What's the best way to implement Marked with Byword for quick keystroke access?

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Tim 13y, 116d ago

Brett - nice - your script also works with older versions of Scrivener (I'm on 1.54) if you add .rtfd to watch_types and drop the "/Files/Docs/" suffix from watch_folder

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Etherealmind 13y, 125d ago

Little bit of tinkering got it working with Scrivener.


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Zettt 13y, 125d ago

Brett, your Scrivener solution is exactly what I've been trying to write for myself. Only difference is that you were way faster. Thanks.

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Brent 13y, 126d ago

For the less tech-prone of us...I use Marked with nvAlt -- I open the plaintext files in Marked and when I'm updating the nvAlt files, the Marked preview seems to update automatically already. What does this do differently?

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Brett 13y, 126d ago

This watches whatever is the current note and previews it. You don't have to open any files, and when you switch notes, so does the preview (more like the built in preview).

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Simon 13y, 126d ago

Hi, I made this to make it easier to launch the scrivwatch.rb with Alfred

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Brett 13y, 126d ago

Great, thanks Simon! I built a couple of wrappers for the watchers this morning that could be launched and quit via finder/Quicksilver/LaunchBar/Alfred, I'll publish those once I pretty them up a little. The Scrivener one is proving to be more difficult, it doesn't want to handle dropped files, but I'll get it :).

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Coolspec 13y, 126d ago

Hi Brett, That you for this beautiful nerdery. Could you possibly tell me how I can put a permanent, self updating calendar on my desktop.? Do you know of any app? Any script?
Thanks a million


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Brett 13y, 126d ago

Just a calendar, or one with your appointments on it? There are a couple of apps to go either way, or you can use icalbuddy on the command line to output various event lists and todo items to GeekTool...

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Coolspec 13y, 126d ago

Nothing fancy, just so I don't have to start iCal to see what date is next Thursday!!!

Thanks a zil

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Brett 13y, 125d ago

Check out Dateline. You can also use the UNIX command calendar and output it to GeekTool. You can even highlight the current day if you're feeling Nerdy. Dateline is a pretty good way to see upcoming dates easily, though.

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Coolspec 13y, 125d ago

Thanks a lot, Brett.

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Lri 13y, 126d ago

I whipped up bash versions of the NV and MarsEdit scripts: I might add more scripts to the gist later, but probably not. Having to manually run a background process and wait multiple seconds for changes to show up just feels too hacky.

BTW, sudo opensnoop -n process_name works as well.

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