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Jeremy 12y, 27d ago

Such a nice plugin. I was thinking about building the same since I would like to migrate from Posterous to a Jekill blog. But I have a lot of gallery on my blog.
Do you plan to open source /release it in the near future?

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Kresten Jacobsen 12y, 42d ago

Once again: nice plugin. :)

The images does seem a bit off when viewed on an iPhone, though (or my old HTC Android running two-point-something-something). That is they're not centered in the surrounding box.

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Brandon Bohling 12y, 65d ago

I'm curious, why the comment, "I know the image galleries will probably break someday when Flickr sunsets." when you have no issues using Gist? I'm genuinely interested in your take since I struggle with the "cloud" vs. owning my own data. I'd prefer to have all my content self-hosted, but see the appeal of using services like Gist, Flickr, etc.

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ttscoff 12y, 65d ago

Oh, I have the same concerns there, but they're really non-concerns. Just like my Flickr images, I keep all of my gists as text files locally as well and can drop in a new system with a simple search and replace. The only reason galleries are different is that I don't store my photos as collections locally, so the organization would be lost.

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