I'm always a bit puzzled by 1Password recommendations. I tried it for a couple of weeks a while back, and found it frustratingly limited and manual. LastPass is far more functional. Sometimes I suspect the Mac world gets a bit too hung up on prettiness.
What's manual about it? I can generate passwords, have them automatically saved and associated with a url and have that password automatically filled next time I go there. I can even create a bookmark that autofills the login...
I can also drag an app to it along with a registration email and have a software serial number entry created.
Not sure what your experience was, but it's far from limited or manual.
OK, 1Password 4 for iOS is now [getting there] (http://learn.agilebits.com/.... In particular it supports multiple urls per login, finally making it practical to use for apple/icloud, google apps, amazon, etc. Look forward to this being matched by the next Mac version.
For now, LastPass is still more functional, but AgileBits' apps are undoubtedly more elegant, and their support is far better.
I think that the more defensible position than "it's limited and manual" is why 1Password rather than LastPass, or LastPass rather than 1Password.
I just haven't seen a clean rundown of their comparable performance on anything like established benchmarks.
Do you have a reason for your preference? Or could either do the job equally well and you happened to end up in the 1Password ecosystem?
I use both 1Password and LastPass for different uses.
LastPass is web-based - this means that you can "share" passwords with other users. So it's perfect for sharing "company" passwords across members of our team. But the web storage makes me a little nervous about security.
So I use 1Password for my personal and ecommerce passwords. It has a terrific mobile interface and works seamlessly with any browser. I haven't experienced the sync problems the OP suggests -- but I haven't used it that long.
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I may be out of date as this was a year or so ago, but the killer for me was no equivalent domains, so you needed separate entries for, eg. ICloud and apple domains. So you had to manually keep them in sync. It also didn't pick up automatically on password changes. LastPass does both of these things. It's ugly and too cheap (I prefer Omni-like sustainable pricing models for important software), but does so much, so well. There were other things, but I can't remember offhand.