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Gabe 13y, 238d ago

Same here Brett. Simplenote Syncing seems to hang while downloading the first file. Clearing the support files, including the Library files and re-establishing sync still fails on Lion. I'm sure you have your hands full, so take your time.

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Brett 13y, 238d ago

Sync (and Tag Sync) are fixed in 1.2, which could be out as soon as tomorrow.

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Skillet 13y, 239d ago

I have not been able to sync nvalt with SimpleNote properly since upgrading to Lion. Can a fix for this bug be incorporated into v2.1?

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bob 13y, 241d ago

had nvalt working for 1 day on lion no problems. but today whenever i open the preferences nvalt crashes. tried uninstalling with appzapper, re-downloaded but still crashing. notational velocity original works fine so far..

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neilbehl 13y, 242d ago

I'm having trouble using the find function (via cmd-f or the menubar) whatsoever in GM Lion. No matter what I try I can't get it to work. Since I keep long lists of things that I regularly use the find function on, this is really killin' me. Great work though and looking forward to 2.1!

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pichr 13y, 267d ago

I want the possibility to add images like evernote does :(

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nomad 13y, 265d ago

you may add images via markdown (visible in preview window)

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Paulo Diniz 13y, 269d ago

I always wanted to quick-add information quickly, nv-style, to multiple spreadsheets that I keep. You guys need to do a NV-like program (or fork), that allows searching/filtering/adding information to multiple data grids with multiple predefined collumns. That'd be slick.

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Dean 13y, 277d ago

I'd love to be able to switch databases. I have one for work and one for personal that I need to keep separate.

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nomad 13y, 265d ago

me too! but it is already possible to use separate databases in some way - use one database for nvalt and another one for the original nv

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Hunter 13y, 283d ago

I'm unable to get nvALT to sync with Simplenote on Lion DP4. Is that a known issue or should I file a bug?

There's a stacktrace in the Console, looks related to the NSURLConnection for the sync.

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Justin Lowery 13y, 277d ago

I'm having the same problem, no sync at all with Lion DP4. Can't even download the notes initially when the app does its first run.

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Brett 13y, 272d ago

Fixed in 2.1, in beta right now.

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Mathew 13y, 242d ago

I would also love to download the beta. Very strange not having nvAlt sync. I rely on it so much!

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Mattias 13y, 245d ago

Would be awesome to run the 2.1 beta since nvALT is not working very well on the Lion GM , but I can't seem to find a download link anywhere. Is the beta private? Would love to join otherwise.

Keep up the good work.

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Ivan 13y, 287d ago

I am really looking forward to the ability to finally sync tags with simplenote site.

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Fr. 13y, 284d ago

Same here. I look forward to MMD 3 too (I can't get footnotes to work). I still use TextMate for LaTeX, multiple files projects and syntax colouring, but NV and now NVA is increasingly present in my workflow.

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amelchi 13y, 292d ago

Hello Brett,

would it be possible to save all the notes as a single file (not encrypted!)?



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Charles 13y, 295d ago

Isn't working unless preview is already open.

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Brett 13y, 295d ago

Ah, must be something I've added since the last stable release. The next version will allow you to jump directly to the source view.

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Charles 13y, 296d ago

I'm a new user so I may be missing something. It looks like I need to open preview before I can view source. It would be nice to go directly view source. One step before the cut&paste is better than two. Thanks.

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Brett 13y, 295d ago

Try Command-U.

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From Stage 13y, 301d ago

One more fix: tab width. In current nvALT it's 5 spaces, in old version it was 8 spaces. Some people count on that ;-) Please revert this change, or even better: make tab width customizable. Thank you!

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elasticthreads 13y, 301d ago

Actually nothing has changed except one of your preference settings. If you go to Preferences>>Editing make sure the "Soft Tabs(Spaces)" option is unchecked. If its checked, you get 5 (soft spaces). If its unchecked you (should) get 8 spaces, a proper "tab" or "&#092t".

we might still add a preference setting to customize width of soft tabs (Spaces). But the official NV and nvALT do this the same way.

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From Stage 13y, 300d ago

Please see my comment at

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From Stage 13y, 300d ago

Thank you for the reply. In my case the "Soft Tabs" option is/was always unchecked but I get the "5 spaces tab width" anyways.

Here's an illustration:
The font I'm using: Monaco 10. Rows:
1. just numbered columns.
2. &#092tu&#092tu with ST unchecked.
3. few u's to show strange character's shift, they are not in the same column as in above line.
4. &#092tc&#092tc with ST checked.
5. few c's to check if the tabbed c's are shifted too.
My nvALT's editing preferences:
Please let me know how can I further help to debug this unexpected behaviour.

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Brett 13y, 301d ago

Please take a minute and add an issue on GitHub for me. I want to use that to keep track… Comments and emails are messy.

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punkish 13y, 304d ago

is it possible to implement syntax coloring for code fragments? I guess this ability has to be provided in markdown itself, and I am not sure if it is there. It would be nice to specify in code fragments (text indented by tab) as to what kind of code it is, and then apply syntax coloring.

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Brett 13y, 303d ago

It's possible, but that (along with basic Markdown syntax highlighting) is distant on the roadmap.

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