I'm unable to get nvALT to sync with Simplenote on Lion DP4. Is that a known issue or should I file a bug?
There's a stacktrace in the Console, looks related to the NSURLConnection for the sync.
One more fix: tab width. In current nvALT it's 5 spaces, in old version it was 8 spaces. Some people count on that ;-) Please revert this change, or even better: make tab width customizable. Thank you!
Actually nothing has changed except one of your preference settings. If you go to Preferences>>Editing make sure the "Soft Tabs(Spaces)" option is unchecked. If its checked, you get 5 (soft spaces). If its unchecked you (should) get 8 spaces, a proper "tab" or "\t".
we might still add a preference setting to customize width of soft tabs (Spaces). But the official NV and nvALT do this the same way.
Thank you for the reply. In my case the "Soft Tabs" option is/was always unchecked but I get the "5 spaces tab width" anyways.
Here's an illustration: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/504...
The font I'm using: Monaco 10. Rows:
1. just numbered columns.
2. \tu\tu with ST unchecked.
3. few u's to show strange character's shift, they are not in the same column as in above line.
4. \tc\tc with ST checked.
5. few c's to check if the tabbed c's are shifted too.
My nvALT's editing preferences: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/504...
Please let me know how can I further help to debug this unexpected behaviour.
Please take a minute and add an issue on GitHub for me. I want to use that to keep track… Comments and emails are messy.