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Cash Williams 12y, 50d ago

I remapped my caps lock key to control a long time ago (an nice that OS X can do this natively). Find it much easier for my pinky to move one key to the right instead of way down to the bottom of the keyboard.

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Van Stanley 12y, 65d ago

Little late commenting, but wanted to say thanks. Seems to be working great and I now have a ton of options for Keyboard Maestro shortcuts with much less chance of running into conflicts. Awesome job!

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Noam Ross 12y, 67d ago

How would I modify the XML to ONLY make F19 a Hyper Key (i.e., without holding down, and no escape key?)

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Padraic 12y, 65d ago
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Noam Ross 12y, 65d ago


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Lucifr 12y, 77d ago

Wow, nice redesign. 

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Evan Relf 12y, 88d ago

Is there anywhere I could find the rest of your private.xml file? I'd like to use Hyper + HJKL to move around in Vim.

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Dale 12y, 92d ago

The press and hold works fine on the MBP keyboard. It will only do the escape on my Apple BT keyboard. I'll have to check with my wireless Logitech when I get home.

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Brett 12y, 92d ago

Working fine on my Aluminum Apple BlueTooth.

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Dale 12y, 91d ago

The Logitech wireless at home works perfectly but no joy on the Apple BT. Mine is a 3 battery model but I understand they also make a 2 battery model. Perhaps it is something to do with a firmware difference between the models. Does yours take 2 or 3 AA batteries?

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Joakim 12y, 72d ago

I have the same problem. Mine is a Swedish 2 battery model. It works fine on my MacBook Pro with a Swedish keyboard though.

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Fooqri 12y, 81d ago

Make sure to select your BT keyboard ("select Keyboard" drop-down) in the "Modifier Keys..." menu of keyboard preferences. On Lion it is possible to have internal keyboard have CAPS LOCK key set to "no action", and still have Caps Lock mapping to caps lock on the BT keyboard.

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Lee Joramo 12y, 98d ago

I am testing out the following configuration: I have modified this to trigger F5 instead of ESCAPE. The F5 triggers system wide text autocomplete like ESCAPE; however, it does not cause escaping from dialog boxes.

I do most of my coding in BBEdit and have always had cmd-K set to run BBAutoCompete. In other, apps, I have used system wide autocomplete using ESC. I would always trip myself up on this. Now I have it all set up to use a tap of the CAPS LOCK. In BBEdit, F5 triggers BBAutoComplete, in other apps, the native system completion takes over.

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Charles Manfre 12y, 100d ago

Have you ever found that you need to use the Caps Lock key? Like typing long acronyms, for want of a better example...

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Cody 12y, 100d ago

I had trouble getting this to work on my computer but solved it by navigating to System Preferences->Keyboard->Input Sources and disabling Caps Lock for my native and external keyboards.

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⠨⠞⠓⠕⠍⠁⠎ ⠨⠺⠪⠇⠅ 12y, 101d ago

@Brett: Thanks!

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Luke Patton 12y, 101d ago

Anyone on Mountain Lion having issues with this? I tried the Hyper shortcut when Steve Losh did his post but it wasn't worth enough to really tinker with. I've used multiple scripts and wrote my own but none of them have caught yet. Or at least it seems. My preferred hotkey program is Keyboard Maestro and at least it hasn't caught it. I've got a screenshot of my keyboard events below.

I'm aware of an earlier bug with Mountain Lion but it was fixed with the release.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Adeiko 12y, 101d ago

Same problem here, it doesn't seem to work as a modifier, it just seem to push all the keys but not wait to use them as a modify

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Brett 12y, 101d ago

Don't know what to tell you. I'm using it on Mountain Lion without issue, thought I haven't tested with KM yet.

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Luke Patton 12y, 100d ago

If I figure anything out I'll come back and post it here.

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Adeiko 12y, 100d ago

Ok i've found the answer here:
You must put the caps lock key to No Action ( ) and it works perfectly!

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Chris 12y, 102d ago

I tried the same thing a few weeks ago with a slight variation. I use the Caps Lock as a delete key, I find it really helps especially when typing in Dvorak.

Anyway I tried doing this same hack so that by itself caps lock acted as delete but with another key it acted as Hyper (I think we read the same article Brett).

Long story short, it works, but is flawed. Because of the way KeyRemap works when I want to delete several letters at once with Caps Lock there is a tiny, but noticeable, lag. Simply not as smooth as deleting with the real delete key.

If you have any suggestions please let me know but to those who want to use their caps lock key as a delete/hyper key be forewarned of this problem.

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