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Jerkstore Cowboy 13y, 242d ago

"It makes a very good case for why we need to eat meat."

There is no such case. Homo saps don't NEED to eat it. They CAN eat it(not in a true carnivore, raw sense, but still), but they certainly don't NEED to. I personally do eat it, but I know it's because I like the taste, not because I'd die or be less well without it. The countless MMA/UFC vegans and vegetarians - ie, some of the most brutal and fit humans on the planet - kinda put that 'health' thing to rest years ago. Also check out some of our cousins...take a meat omnivore chimp and pit him against a vegan Gorilla.

"As to factory farming, that is an atrocity that needs to be addressed, but being a vegetarian does not fix it. Buying meat from small farms where the animals are well treated will do more to change that."

The lengths people will go to - the leaps in logic they'll take - to avoid guilt never ceases to amaze me. BTW I also heard that slavery woulda ended sooner if the damn abolitionists woulda supported humane slavery rather than being such extremists.

Just do what you want and stop being holy when you're not holy.

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Brett 14y, 52d ago

Thanks for the thoughtful response. I'll check out the books you mentioned!

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Jan McCutcheon 14y, 52d ago

My journey from carnivore to vegetarian and back to carnivore sounds a lot like yours. I stopped eating meat and gradually added fish for the same reasons. I was vegetarian/pescatarian for 11 years. The stories I heard from my vegetarian-turned-carnivore friends, seemed like treason, but eventually, like them, one day I decided I needed to eat meat. I have to tell you that first steak after 11 years was the best meal I ever ate in my life. That was in 1982, long before we knew about the horrors of factory farming, but I have not turned back.

I think most vegetarian diets are misnamed because we do not eat mostly vegetables, we eat too mostly carbohydrates in the form of breads, pastas, rice, etc which leads to health problems. Last year my husband and I both began restricting our consumption of sugar and grains (mostly wheat). Now our diet consists of mostly of meat, fat, vegetables and very little grains. We both lost weight, fixed our digestive problems and feel great.

If you haven't read "Vegetarian Myth" by Lierre Keith, you should. It makes a very good case for why we need to eat meat. And why being a vegetarian will not solve the problems with factory farming. "Good Calories Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes gives a more detailed science heavy explanation of what we should eat.

As to factory farming, that is an atrocity that needs to be addressed, but being a vegetarian does not fix it. Buying meat from small farms where the animals are well treated will do more to change that. The market will eventually adapt to what the consumer wants.

Good luck!

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