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Ron Lipke 11y, 297d ago

Not sure what's going on when I try to install the workflow. The dialog box to install the services comes up, forces me to reinstall it and then closes. The service is installed, but the workflow never shows up in Alfred. Any ideas?

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Ron Lipke 11y, 296d ago

Nevermind. Hazel was unpacking the alfredworkflow file before I could get to it.

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codedungeon 11y, 315d ago

Is there an API / format for creating customer cheater documents (I would like one for Laravel and AngularJS)

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ttscoff 11y, 315d ago
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Januz 11y, 316d ago

Is it possible to navigate and close the floating window with the keyboard?!

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Januz 11y, 316d ago

... and to second Toms point: It would be really great if one could get a list of all available cheats!

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ttscoff 11y, 315d ago
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Januz 11y, 315d ago

Sorry, I didn't make clear what I meant:

It would be great, if one could see from within Alfred which sheets are available in the personal installation.

I have some cheat sheets for terminal stuff as text files in a folder on my hard drive. I defined an alias named "cheat", that just executes a cat command on the selected file. I also defined a completion rule so that when I type the 'cheat' command and press Tab, I get a list of all cheat sheets in the folder, or when I type, e.g., 'cheat p' and press Tab, I get a list of all sheets beginning with 'p'.

It would be great (if possible) to have the same functionality from within your Alfred workflow -- typing cheat and Tab/Return and get a list of all available sheets in the selected sheet path; typing the first character(s) of a sheet and get a list of all sheets by that name...

What about my other question: Is there a way to use Cheaters exclusively with the keyboard? To me it seems as if I have to at least use the mouse once to tap into the floating window to be able to use Esc to close it and to scroll with the arrow keys?!


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ttscoff 11y, 315d ago

It's just an HTML page. There's no API.

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Januz 11y, 300d ago

I solved the problem that the floating cheaters window is not focussed (maybe kind of dirty) by adding a second script to the workflow that executes a mouse click in the middle of the main monitor (I did this by calling a Keyboard Maestro macro from the Applescript, but I think one can do it with Applescript itself, too).

Now, when I select a cheat sheet, I can stay at the keyboard, browse the sheet with the arrow keys and close the sheet with esc without touching the mouse.

Maybe this is useful to somebody...

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Tom de Bruin 11y, 316d ago

I just changed it to do "Actions > Open URL" instead and linked to "{query}". Then I don't need to have it local and it's always up to date.

I would be cool to show a list of the available cheat sheets when you type "cheat" into Alfred. I'm not sure if you can do that.

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ttscoff 11y, 316d ago

Except for it's not always up to date. I only update that when there's a significant enough change to make it worthwhile. It's only a demo.

The point of Cheaters is to be able to customize your sheets. If you want to use a URL, it's easy enough to host Cheaters locally with a virtual host and web sharing, or to just throw the directory on a server. Well, it's easy if you already have a server...

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Gal Oppenheimer 11y, 317d ago

Is it intentional that when you close the pop up window of your cheat sheet it creates a notification that says "Please check your Cheaters workflow configuration."

I set my URL in Alfred and the window is popping up properly, though it does take about 5 seconds on a 2011 MBA.

Is this expected or did I do something wrong?

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ttscoff 11y, 316d ago

I did see this happening when writing it, but it went away so I wasn't able to figure out why. The notification should only trigger if something is sent back from the script, and the only thing it would send back is an error if the file doesn't exist, in which case it would exit and never load the web view… so basically, you're not crazy, something weird is going on there.

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Gal Oppenheimer 11y, 316d ago

I can easily turn off the error since I have it working properly, but am also totally willing to help trouble shoot for you if you have ideas. It's super useful so want to help make it awesome however possible :)

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adam 11y, 317d ago

any easy way to make the path customizable or have it check in multiple locations? My dropbox directory is in different locations by machine and Cheaters and Alfred settings are all synced via dropbox so changing the path in Alfred on Machine1 breaks it on machine2

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adam 11y, 317d ago

Me again - just moved to a server, much easier.

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ttscoff 11y, 317d ago

It's just a shell script that passes the path argument, so you could add a conditional to check both locations, or use `hostname` to create a logic tree and load a specific path based on the machine name... probably not something I'll integrate into the main plugin, but feasible.

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