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Chris Enns 11y, 70d ago

Is there any way to disable Spotlight indexing for a time period - i.e. during podcasting or screencasting?

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ttscoff 11y, 70d ago

mdutil -i off /

That will turn off indexing for the main drive until you run

mdutil -i on /

(or turn it back on in preferences)

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Chris Enns 11y, 69d ago

Thanks Brett!

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Don Schaffner 11y, 79d ago


I'm working on implementing this, and it seems like the "tmutil disable" command doesn't work if time machine is in the middle of doing a backup. Preceding the disable command with "tmutil stopbackup" should do the trick.

- Don

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ttscoff 11y, 79d ago

Thanks for the tip!

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