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Maximilian Schaufler 11y, 346d ago

Thanks for this work!

After I bought Marked I did not find myself using it very much, and still went with the nvALT preview. I was thinking I did support you a bit, at least.

Stuff like this keeps me feel good supporting you.

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Tomáš 11y, 347d ago

… and there is another problem with the custom font (which is beautiful): it does not contain complete character set… So pity!!

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ttscoff 11y, 347d ago

so… the link did work? Like I said in the post, it's a concept. If you need a different font, just add it :).

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Tomáš 11y, 347d ago

:) the link did not work, I had to shorten it (using safari without plugins) to

as for font: ok, I understand, well, I will try (but not so good in this geekery :)

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Tomáš 11y, 347d ago

Brett, the link does not work.

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neilio 11y, 348d ago

Thanks for this! Is it possible to have the preview pane use this style as well, or is it locked to source view only?

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ttscoff 11y, 348d ago

Not sure I understand. It doesn't affect the source view at all, it's for the preview. I think you might be seeing the source code highlighting in the screenshots, but that's code that's actually in my notes.

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neilio 11y, 347d ago

Sorry, I should have been more clear - I guess what I'm looking for is to have the source view and preview view in the same pane, instead of in a separate window, with the ability to toggle between them in place. Now that I've typed this out it's kind of obvious it's outside the scope of this post, so as you were.

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