That's right on about the scalp - I see all these musicians from the 80's who had these massive, bleached hairstyles and they're nearly all bald now!
Yeah, I had my crazy hair days. Between an array of mohawks, dyes, Elmers glue, pomade and blow dryers I don't think I deserve forgiveness.
Honestly, though, ever since I went bald enough to feel better just shaving my head, I've never missed having hair :).
It's nice to read these eight points. I can relate to your words. The picture of the message is a strong one - enough without any further details. Speaking for myself: it has pushed me to get things done since I first read a tweet of you about your troublesome past. It showed me that even if I'm thirty-years-old; it's never to late to start focusing on the things you love to do and appreciate the people and things that helped you in your life.