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Wandering Aramean 9y, 5d ago

Single ply or two ply???

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Sebastien Marion 9y, 16d ago

Way of the future.

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Gerry Hayes 9y, 19d ago

This is a valuable service you're providing here.

There's almost certainly a new podcast series in it. 'Restroom, Bestroom', 'Places I've Pooped', 'Top Of The Drops'. I'm just spitballing here, but this stuff essentially writes itself. Feel free to run with those.

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yaleman 9y, 20d ago

I have to ask - do the door locks indicate if the stall's occupied? It seems to be a strangely American thing to have door locks which leave potential occupants guessing. A simple occupied/free indicator saves a lot of bumping on doors.

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