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wonnnk 6y, 32d ago

Godsend! Great tip. TY!

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Immo 9y, 82d ago

Amazing hack, accompanied by a great illustration.

I know it's nitpicky and completely irrellevant for the understanding of this tutorial, but I couldn't help but notice that "Karabiner" is spelled wrong twice in the third paragraph.

In the name of the german language, I apologize for posing a stumbling block of almost klingon proportions in general, and for misappropriating your first name as a homonym for planks. :-)

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ttscoff 9y, 82d ago

Schön zu wissen, ich bin ein Brett.

Updating the spelling issues now :).

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Francine Glazer 9y, 85d ago

Brett, I've finally tried this and am delighted with the result. I do use caps lock, so the ability to toggle caps lock by tapping and have hyper key function by holding is awesome. Did encounter one strange phenomenon, though. After changing the caps lock key mapping with Seil, now my other keys are acting strangely - alt and command are not working, alt-tab won't rotate me through apps, etc. I've checked all the settings (I am running the current version of El Cap on a late 2013 MBP), and I don't seem to be able to fix it. Any suggestions as to what might have gone wrong?


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Francine Glazer 9y, 85d ago

never mind, figured it out. I inadvertently changed another modifier key in sys preferences when disabling caps lock.

happy as a clam now!

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Jonathan Hollin 9y, 90d ago

Brett, this has to be one of the most valuable things I've taken from your website. I've set up my Hyper Key this weekend and it's no exaggeration to report that it's made a significant difference to my computing experience and productivity. Why? Because I now need to touch the trackpad less than ever.

I've quickly built up the muscle memory to navigate iTerm panes, Safari tabs and much more with conflict-free keyboard shortcuts that I can actually remember.

I don't know how I missed the original "A Useful Caps Lock Post" but I am extremely grateful for this one.

Nice one buddy. Thanks a bunch.

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Kai von Fintel 9y, 92d ago

Love my Hyper key, thanks to you and Steve Losh. Would it be possible to use Seil/Karabiner to make a double tap on the shift key to mean Caps Lock, like on iOs?

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hhumbert 9y, 60d ago

Definitely. Head over to the forum for Karabiner. The dev on Karabiner must never get any sleep -- he's so responsive. Pose your question there and he'll have an answer w/i a day, most likely.


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Kai von Fintel 9y, 60d ago

Thanks. Karabiner is simply amazing. Turns out there's a built-in option: "Shift_L to Shift_L (+ When you type Shift_L only, Sticky Shift_L) (+ When you type Shift_L twice, Capslock)" Then, a second tap of Shift_L releases Capslock. The illumination of the Capslock key works as well with this.

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jackbrannen 9y, 92d ago

Another way to do this is to use Karabiner to set Escape as Caps Lock. It still activates the light on the Caps Lock key, which is nice.

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