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Lord Byron Mayhem 8y, 354d ago

Looks like Day One 2 2.0.3+ dropped support for the auto import from Slogger2 (or anything else that writes to the

Data/Auto Import/Default Journal.dayone/ directory) feature. I told them about it when 2.0.3 came out and its still b0rk3d on 2.0.4. :(

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davidnunez 8y, 353d ago

Yeah. I'm noticing this also... and actually same w/ the CLI... when I do: $ echo
"hello world" | dayone -j="/Users/dnunez/Library/Group Containers/5U8NS4GX82.dayoneapp2/Data/Auto Import/Default Journal.dayone" new , I see an entry appear in the /entries directory for a split second and then it vanishes, but the new entry never seems to appear.

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Scott 9y, 26d ago

I am getting the following error while attempting to run "bundle install'

An error occurred while installing rmagick (2.13.2), and Bundler cannot


Make sure that `gem install rmagick -v '2.13.2'` succeeds before bundling.

I am not sure what to do next.

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Scott 9y, 26d ago

i updated Ruby on my Mac by following the instructions here and that solved the issue.

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craig eley 9y, 44d ago

This is fantastic. However, in my very limited and frenzied testing, I couldn't figure out how to import directly do another journal using the Auto Import folder. Tried to create .dayone folders with the same name as "journals" in my new database, but no dice. Maybe I'm missing something obvious…

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ttscoff 9y, 44d ago

I had assumed that would work without trying it, and now I think you're correct. I'll ping them about that and see if there's an answer.

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craig eley 9y, 44d ago

Cool. This might all be spelled out eventually, but it also seems like some of the XML values don't get pulled across, like "Steps." But I also can't seem to see step values for any entry on the Mac app.

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