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OnurA 8y, 244d ago

Actually, this trains sanebox for future emails from the same contact to also be placed in the Omnifocus forward folder automatically, eventually start spamming the OF inbox.

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

ttscoff 8y, 243d ago

Sadly you are completely right. I'm just now seeing this start to happen. I'll update the post shortly.

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

ttscoff 8y, 269d ago

This was pointed out to me on Twitter as well, and the share sheet from the More… option definitely provides more flexibility. I like the immediacy of the SaneFwd version, but really just another trick to have handy, and one that could provide used beyond Omnifocus as well.

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

ET 8y, 268d ago

In addition to this path, while reading the email, one can select the share icon at the bottom of the screen, then choose 'More' and then choose OmniFocus to share with OmniFocus. The contents of the email are in the Notes in the created OmniFocus action. There is not a hyperlink in the OmniFocus action to take you back to the email (like there is when using the iOS email app Dispatch), but I found that I never used the hyperlink anyway.

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

ET 8y, 269d ago

Spark works with OmniFocus for me...but perhaps you get more functionality your way. Within Spark I set up a 'Short Swipe Left' to "More". A window opens up which gives me a chance to send the email to OmniFocus (for iPhone) and set a Project or Context and write some notes about it...I can also edit the title.

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

ttscoff 8y, 269d ago

Comment above was intended as a reply. Cursor position fail…

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!