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Jim Krenz 9y, 1d ago

In TaskPaper 3, the Go In command (⌘⌥→) focuses the project that the cursor is in, and the Go Out command (⌘⌥←) unfocuses projects. Both work without touching the sidebar.

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Jim Krenz 9y, 2d ago

I've used a lot of task managers in my time: OmniFocus, Things, Hit List, ToodleDo, Nozbe and more. The only one that helps me feel like I am in control (as opposed to feeling like the software is controlling me) is TaskPaper.

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Ringo Ringtail 9y, 2d ago

I am always asking myself, what is the fuss over such solutions? In the end you are recreating a working environment (let us say, OF) by building pendants to Perspectives with saved searches and a lot of extra scripting to get the due items, review and reminders working (is there any pendant to 'defer' and Forecast?).

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